2023-01-20   General Contractor of the PALLAS Reactor Project (PALLAS)
PALLAS has been established for the realization of a new multifunctional research reactor (PALLAS-reactor) and supporting facilities in Petten, North Holland. PALLAS Reactor Project (Project) is composed of several buildings and ancillaries for production and research of radioisotopes for medical and industrial applications, as well as fuel testing research facilities. The Basic Design activities for the Project are finished in collaboration with the formerly contracted party ICHOS. PALLAS now enters … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2021-02-26   Leveren en bedrijfsvaardig opleveren van een WKK-installatie t.b.v. warmtecentrale Zernike (Warmtenet Noordwest bv)
Levering, plaatsing en bedrijfsvaardig opleveren van een WKK-installatie voor de nieuwe warmtecentrale Zernike. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Centrica Business Solutions bv
2020-10-14   E/W installatiewerkzaamheden warmtecentrale Zernike (Warmtenet Noordwest bv)
Het gezamenlijk ontwerpen en uitvoering van elektrotechnische en werktuigbouwkundige installatiewerken ten behoeve van de nieuw te bouwen warmtecentrale Zernike. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2020-07-24   Elektrische Warmtepompen t.b.v. Warmtecentrale Zernike (Warmtenet Noordwest bv)
De levering van elektrische warmtepompen t.b.v. van de duurzame warmte opwekinstallatie op het Zernike terrein te Groningen. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Johnson Controls Systems & Service bv
2018-09-21   Green Heat Diemen Civil Works for a biomass fired Heat Only Boiler (N.V. Nuon Energy)
Nuon develops district heating projects in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. The Green Diemen Project, situated in Diemen region is necessary to support the regional growth of residential heat connections and includes a up to 120 MWth Heat Production Facility utilising wood pellets hereafter referred to as GHD, in Diemen. This tender concerns the Nuon intention to contract the Civil Works required for the premises and the anticipated 120 MWth biomass fired Heat Only Boiler. Main aspects of the foreseen … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2018-09-19   Green Heat Diemen, biomass fired Heat Only Boiler for District Heating (N.V. Nuon Energy)
This tender relates to Nuon’s intention to develop, design, engineer, construct, commission and deliver a up to 120 MW -biomass fired- heat only boiler at its existing location in Diemen, connected to the Amsterdam area district heating grid. With this new plant, Nuon aims to produce a significant amount of green heat. The heat produced by the new facility will be used to fulfil base load heat demand. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Valmet Technologies OY
2017-08-02   Gearbox supply and refurbishment Prinses Amaliawindpark (Eneco Windmolens Offshore B.V.)
The anticipated scope of work of the Candidate comprises of providing gearboxes for the purpose of exchange on the WTGs in Prinses Amaliawindpark. This includes maintaining a stock/pool of 3 to 4 gearboxes and additional supply of up to 2 gearboxes per campaign. The total number of gearboxes that are expected to be replaced (within the 5 year contract period) is 24-40 gearboxes. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2017-07-17   EWTW-II — wind turbines #2 (ECN Wind Energy Facilities BV)
Het ontwerp, engineering, fabricage, transport, installatie, installatieapparatuur, inbedrijfstelling, bouw, exploitatie en onderhoud van de 8 windturbine generatoren in het EWTW II project, inclusief de fundamenten van de windturbine generatoren. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Vestas Benelux B.V.
2017-03-31   Offshore Transport and Lifting Services Major Component Replacements Prinses Amaliawindpark (Eneco Offshore Wind B.V.)
The purpose of the application for selection is to select Tenderers to conclude an Agreement with 1 Contractor for providing offshore transport and lifting services for major component replacements in the Prinses Amaliawindpark. The Agreement has a term of 5 years with the option to renew 1 x 3 years and 1 x 2 years and is expected to take effect as of 1.1.2018. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2016-12-12   EWTW-II — Wind Turbines (ECN Wind Energy Facilities B.V.)
The design, engineering, manufacturing, transportation, installation, installation equipment, commissioning, construction, operation and maintenance of the 8 Wind Turbine Generators in the EWTW II project, including the foundations, the crane hardstands and the roads required for the installation and the maintenance of the Wind Turbine Generators. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2016-07-05   Well Engineering + Drilling Management GEO Well WarmteStad (WarmteStad BV)
Well Engineering + Drilling Management Geo thermal wells. The scope of this tender consists of 4 packages: 1. Project preparation; 2. Tendering; 3. Preparation drilling phase; 4. Drilling management. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2016-03-25   EPC Contract for main installations for Project BWI Lage Weide (Eneco Warmteproductie Utrecht B.V.)
The purpose of the tender is to conclude an Agreement with 1 Contractor for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning of Main Installations for Biomass heat-plant for Project ‘BWI Lage Weide’ . The Agreement has a term for the duration of the project execution (estimated 2 years) and is expected to take effect as of 1.1.2017. The project will be realised in 2 phases. Phase 1 comprises all site preparations, civil works, biomass storage hall and 1 30-MW boiler unit. Phase 2 will be a future … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Vyncke NV
2016-02-01   Wind Turbines Supply and Service Nuon Windpark Wieringermeer (N.V. Nuon Energy)
The scope of work of this tender includes the design, engineering, manufacturing, fabrication, installation, installation equipment, transportation, commissioning and maintenance of the WTGs (excluding foundations). The tender process will result in 2 contracts: 1 turbine supply agreement and 1 service agreement. The 2 contracts will be entered into with the same supplier. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Nordex Energy GmbH
2016-01-20   Future Hemweg, Co-Firing Biomass Logistics 2016 (Nuon Power Generation B.V.)
The project Future Hemweg has the purpose to convert HW08 to a coal and biomass firing plant to increase renewable production in Employer's portfolio and reduce CO2 emissions. The required works, services and supply include but is not limited to, all installations (excluding underground Civil, silo concrete works and integration into existing automation lots) that are required for unloading barges, cleaning of wood pellets, storing of wood pellets. The scope comprises the engineering and design, … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-11-04   Future Hemweg, Co-Firing Biomass Pneumatic feeding and mill conversion (Nuon Power Generation B.V)
The project Future Hemweg has the purpose to convert HW08 to a coal and biomass firing plant to increase renewable production in Employer's portfolio and reduce CO2 emissions. The required works, services and supply include but is not limited to, all installations and buildings that are required for pneumatic transport of wood pellets to two modified coal mills of HW08, conversion of 2 existing coal mills and modification of 12 burners. The scope comprises the design, procurement, construction, … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-10-19   Future Hemweg, Co-Firing Biomass Inbound Logistics and Storage (Nuon Power Generation B.V)
The project Future Hemweg has the purpose to convert HW08 to a coal and biomass firing plant to increase renewable production in Employer's portfolio and reduce CO2 emissions. The project consists of the facilities required for co-firing biomass in HW08. This tender includes, but is not limited to, all installations and buildings that are required for unloading barges, cleaning of wood pellets, storing of wood pellets. The scope comprises the engineering and design, procurement, construction, … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-08-12   Appointment of the Designer of the Nuclear Island (Stichting Voorbereiding PALLAS-reactor)
PALLAS intends to award an EPCM contract to the selected Designer of the Nuclear Island (DNI) covering the design, procurement and construction of the Nuclear Island. As an EPCM Contractor, the DNI will: (a) take responsibility for the provision of engineering and design services (E); (b) procure contracts with suppliers and contractors as the owner's agent (P); (c) manage, supervise and coordinate all suppliers and contractors as the owner's representative (CM). For further description of the contract … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-08-05   CHP Conversion Eneco BGR Lot 3, system integration and balance of plant (Eneco Solar, Bio & Hydro BV)
Eneco has the opportunity to supply sustainable produced steam from BGR to the chemical industry park in Delfzijl. For this purpose modifications have to be made to the existing plant to make it possible to supply the steam and receive condensate. This call for tender is specifically published for lot 3 of the project consisting of;- System Integration and Balance of PlantThe description of the work is as follows;Supply of all new facilities forming part of Balance of Plant, and complete system … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2013-05-24   RWE Technology GmbH (RWE Technology GmbH)
RWE Generation NL (Essent) intends to award contracts for a biomass transport and storage system for biomass pellets for the Eemshaven Biomass co-firing Project at Eemshaven, The Netherlands. The objective of the project is to co-fire 10 % biomass on a continuous base. This co-firing will take place at the coal-fired power plant being erected at Eemshaven as a twin-unit plant of approximately 780MW each. The following lots will be contracted within the scope of this publication, either individually or … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2013-01-18   OYSTER Reactor Modification Project (University of Technology Delft, Reactor Institute Delft, Applied Sciences Faculty)
Modification research reactor in two respects and objectives: 1) The operational power is to be increased from 2 to 3 MW or more without core compaction. The design and modification of the research reactor core itself, as well as the cooling system; and 2) A cold-neutron source is to be installed. The near-core part to be designed and built. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Combinatie KAERI cs
2013-01-09   Vervanging stoomketels SNB en plaatsing turbine (N.V. Slibverwerking Noord-Brabant)
SNB heeft op dit moment vier lage druk stoomketels in gebruik. SNB heeft het voornemen 2 van deze stoomketels te vervangen door hoge druk stoomketels en electriciteit op te wekken door middel van een nog te plaatsen turbine. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2012-12-21   OYSTER Reactor Modification Project (Reactor Institute Delft, Applied Sciences Faculty, University of Technology Delft)
Modification research reactor in two respects and objectives: 1) The operational power is to be increased from 2 to 3 MW or more without core compaction. The design and modification of the research reactor core itself, as well as the cooling system; and 2) A cold-neutron source is to be installed. The near-core part to be designed and built. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2012-03-05   Provision of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance of wind turbine generator (WTG) (N.V. Nuon Duurzame Energie)
There are 7 windparks with different number of turbines of different types / manufacturers. All these windparks are out of warranty. We are looking for contractors who can provide us with maintenance work. The contractor shall provide to the contracting entity during the term all work, supplies and services that are required to keep the turbines required to keep the turbines operational and in good condition. The contract will include scheduled maintenance as described in the service and maintenance … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2012-01-18   Design, Build (Supply, Fabrication and Installation), Operate and/or Maintain of one, two or three innovative wind... (Q10 Offshore Wind BV)
Contracting Entity has obtained a concession for the construction of an offshore wind farm in the Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone in the Q10 sector. The Q10 project has obtained a subsidy from the Dutch authorities under the provision that innovative elements will be included in the wind farm such as for example the installation and testing of one, two, or three innovative Wind Turbine Generators (WTG’s). An innovative WTG for the purpose of this tender is defined as: 1. an offshore WTG with a capacity of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2011-11-15   Market Consultation Wind Park Maasvlakte 2 (Havenbedrijf Rotterdam N.V.)
The Port of Rotterdam Authority and the Dutch government are investigating the possibilities of realising a wind park on the sea defence of Maasvlakte 2, the large-scale land reclamation for the expansion of the Port of Rotterdam. The location on the sea defence of Maasvlakte 2 is rather exceptional. It is an on shore location with the potential to generate more than 100 MW of wind energy, with excellent (off shore) wind conditions. On the other hand, a number of issues require attention at this … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2011-04-12   Nieuwbouw voorzuivering drinkwaterproductiebedrijf Andijk (PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland)
Op de productielocatie Andijk van PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland is de huidige voorzuivering verouderd. PWN is voornemens om de voorzuivering te vernieuwen. Het werk is opgedeeld in vier percelen. Voor elk perceel wordt een apart bestek opgesteld: — het realiseren van een inlaatpompstation voor de nieuwe voorzuivering van productie-locatie Andijk (perceel A), — het realiseren van een energiegebouw, het realiseren van een noodstroominstallatie met dieselopslag en het realiseren van de hoogspanning … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Aan de Stegge Bouw & Werktuigbouw Combinatie Aannemingsbedrijf K. Dekker... Combinatie Hegeman Beton- en... Friso Bouwgroep B.V.