2023-01-20   General Contractor of the PALLAS Reactor Project (PALLAS)
PALLAS has been established for the realization of a new multifunctional research reactor (PALLAS-reactor) and supporting facilities in Petten, North Holland. PALLAS Reactor Project (Project) is composed of several buildings and ancillaries for production and research of radioisotopes for medical and industrial applications, as well as fuel testing research facilities. The Basic Design activities for the Project are finished in collaboration with the formerly contracted party ICHOS. PALLAS now enters โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
2021-02-26   Leveren en bedrijfsvaardig opleveren van een WKK-installatie t.b.v. warmtecentrale Zernike (Warmtenet Noordwest bv)
Levering, plaatsing en bedrijfsvaardig opleveren van een WKK-installatie voor de nieuwe warmtecentrale Zernike. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Centrica Business Solutions bv