2013-11-28Wind Turbine Generator Package (Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S)
Vattenfall intents to participate in the call for bids for the concession of offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3 concession, led by the DEA [Danish Energy Agency]. This wind farm will have a capacity of maximum 400 MW and will consist of foundations, wind turbine generators and inter array cables.
The total scope of works of this tender includes the design, engineering, manufacturing, fabrication, supply, installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance of the offshore wind turbine generators for the …
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2013-07-06Warmte-transportleiding Amsterdam Noord (N.V. Nuon Energy)
Nuon is voornemens een warmtetransportleiding Dn400 te realiseren vanaf het Afval Energie Bedrijf (verder het AEB) om hiermee Amsterdam Noord van warmte te kunnen voorzien.
Het onderwerp van deze aanbesteding betreft:
— de verdere (detail-)engineering conform NEN 3650/3651, van Voorlopig ontwerp tot en met Definitief ontwerp,
— het verkrijgen van de complete DAD,
— Detail uitvoeringsplanning gebaseerd op de totale projectplanning.
— Verkeersplannen vanuit het BLVC-plan en het zo nodig treffen van …
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2012-12-18Engineering Services Germany (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
As a result of the Gasunie expansion of its network following the Integrated Open season market consultation of 2009 (IOS), as well new planned capacity , as retrofit of existing installations is required.
The purpose of this European tender is to close frame contracts with 2 or more BUSINESS OPERATOR(S) for SERVICES in the area of:
- Multidisciplinairy Engineering Services (for prelimanary studies, Basic and/or detailed designs and/or support during construction phase) for specifically …
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2012-11-27Skidbouw ten behoeve van (renovatie van) gasontvangstations (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
Van de skidbouwer wordt verwacht dat deze invulling geeft aan o.a. de volgende activiteiten:
— de coördinatie van levering van materialen/componenten voor skidbouw (inclusief bestellen, logistiek, inspectie coördinatie en betaling van componenten van derden t.b.v. deze skids), daar waar van toepassing o.b.v. Gasunie overeenkomsten met derden voor levering van materialen/componenten,
— ingangscontrole, zoals visuele inspectie en vrijgave voor inbouw o.b.v. de ‘release note’,
— ‘final’ maken van (o.a.) …
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2012-10-19Riool- en weginspecties (Gemeente Hoorn)
De gemeente Hoorn is van plan om een dienstverlener voor het uitvoeren van rioolinspectie en -reiniging (perceel 1) en weginspectie (perceel 2) te selecteren en te contracteren. De aanbieder kan een offerte uitbrengen voor één van de percelen of voor beide percelen gezamenlijk. Een offerte voor uitvoering van beide percelen door één inschrijver geniet de voorkeur.
De gemeente heeft gekozen voor de Europese openbare procedure. Daarbij mag iedereen naar aanleiding van de aankondiging inschrijven. Wij zijn …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Grontmij Nederland b.v.M.J. Oomen Leidingtechniek B.V.
2012-10-09Mobile Gas Pressure Reduction Stations (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
The purpose of this European tender is to conclude 1 frame contract with 1 supplier in the area of:
— Purchase of mobile Gas Pressure Reduction Stations (GOS installations) or comparable gas stations including support, spare parts and after sales services; and/or,
— Rental of mobile Gas Pressure Reduction Stations and related services (such as engineering, commissioning, maintenance and support, spare parts and after sales services).
Mobile Gas Pressure Reduction stations shall be in accordance with the …
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2012-08-02In Line Inspection (Pigging) (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
Business OPERATOR(S) is requested to execute up to 30 pigruns per year for Gasunie. These runs will be executed in the Netherlands and in Germany.
The lines to be inspected carry natural dry gas with a pressure of 20 to 80 MAOP (bar). The diameter varies between 6” to 48”. The length of the sections to be inspected varies between several kilometres to two hundred kilometres. Dual/triple diameter inspections are more common.
BUSINESS OPERATOR(S) must work with Gasunie to realise lower total costs of the …
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2012-06-07Gas pressure control systems for gas pressure reduction stations (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
The required goods and services to be provided under this tender consists of:
— active gas pressure regulators (R),
— passive gas pressure regulators (M) and/or safety slam shut valves (S).
Gas Pressure Control Systems are used in both RMS and RSS setup.
The above mentioned (control) valves / pressure regulators shall be suitable / sized based on the following:
— pressure regulators: KG-value from 250 m3/h to 25.000 m3/h,
— safety slam shut valves: Connection sizes DN 25 to DN 250,
— pressure class 300# …
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2012-06-04Heat exchangers for gas pressure reduction stations (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
Gasunie intents to standardise heat exchangers, based on connection size, (envelope) dimensions, flow range and type.
— The heat exchangers shall be a vertical BFU type in accordance with TEMA. The tube sheet shall be integral with the bonnet and extended as a flange,
— within the heat exchanger, the gas shall flow through the tubes and the water around the tube,
— pressure equipment shall meet the requirements as specified in the Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23EC) and the ATEX Directive …
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2011-12-22Request for Information Programme Rapsodi (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The purpose of this RFI is to request information regarding your company and your products/services. The scope of the requested information deals with one or more standard (package) solutions (product(s) and / or services) regarding the replacement of a current legacy environment (tailor made solution) in the heart of TenneT’s Transmission System Operator (TSO) activities.
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2011-05-09Pipeline inspection (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
Scope of work is to select a supplier(s) for pipeline inspections of the Gasunie network (incl. pipeline networks of third parties) performed with a helicopter for the period of 5 years.
Inspections are performed every two weeks in the Netherlands (approx 8,000 kilometres) and in the North of Germany (approx 1,900 km) for the prevention of pipeline damages and the detection of potential hazards. The output (daily reporting of potential risks supported by aerial photography) of the inspections will be …
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