2023-10-09   High-frequency dynamic axial test machine (Technische Universiteit Delft)
The scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which has the ability to perform the cyclic experiments with different frequencies up to 200Hz. The setup will be used for research and education in the Structural Engineering Department (SE) of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The testing equipment will be used by technicians, PostDocs, PhDs, MSc and BSc students. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2023-02-20   Aanschaf lasersysteem t.b.v. het opwekken van terahertz golven (Universiteit Utrecht)
De faculteit Bètawetenschappen van Universiteit Utrecht, wil een lasersysteem aanschaffen. Het lasersysteem is bedoeld voor de vakgroep Nanophotonics. Bent u in staat om een lasersysteem te leveren dat aan onze specificaties voldoet en dat snel leverbaar is? Dan nodigen wij u van harte uit om in te schrijven op deze aanbesteding. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Coherent Europe B.V
2022-03-07   Framework Contract for Provision of Maintenance Services for Fuel Cell Test Rigs (in Two Lots) in Scientific... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C - Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 - Energy Storage)
The purpose of this call for tenders is the conclusion of framework contracts for the provision of maintenance services of several categories of instruments in use in the JRC scientific laboratories. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2022-02-21   Supply of One Low Temperature Water Electrolysis Test Station Including Associated Maintenance Services (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C - Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 - Energy Storage)
The equipment is to be used to test water electrolyser short stacks (up to 10 cells) of PEM (polymer electrolyte membrane) and AEM (anion exchange membrane) type under varying operation conditions. It is to be connected to the tap water supply, nitrogen purge gas, compressed air and electricity from the grid of the building of the scientific laboratories at JRC Petten. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Materials Mates Italia Srl
2021-08-30   Framework Contract for Provision of Maintenance Services for Fuel Cell Test Rigs (in Two Lots) in Scientific... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C - Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 - Energy Storage)
The purpose of this call for tenders is the conclusion of framework contracts for the provision of maintenance services of several categories of instruments in use in the JRC scientific laboratories. Those are used for fuel cell tests. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2021-05-04   Supply of One Low Temperature Water Electrolysis Test Station Equipment Including Warranty and Associated... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 — Energy Storage)
JRC.C.1 developed EU harmonised testing procedures and protocols for LTWE cells, stacks and systems targeting energy storage applications. Before these documents can indeed be widely used by research organisations, developers and system integrators, for example, to assess progress of a particular product (i.e. stack prototype) or technology, they need to undergo independent experimental validation preferably at stack in the kW scale. Currently, JRC.C.1 has capability to perform electrolysis testing on … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2020-09-24   Supply of one Low Temperature Water Electrolysis Test Station Equipment Including Warranty and Maintenance (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 — Energy Storage)
Framed within the JRC work program, JRC.C.1 developed EU harmonised testing procedures and protocols for LTWE cells, stacks and systems targeting energy storage applications. Before these documents can indeed be widely used by research organisations, developers and system integrators, for example, to assess progress of a particular product, i.e. stack prototype or technology as well as by funding bodies to reliably verify technical project achievements, they need to undergo independent experimental … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2017-12-01   UvA Angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (Arpes) system upgrade (Hogeschool en Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Aim: — The aim of this tendering procedure is to select one supplier for each lot. Contracting authority: — The contracting authority refers to the UvA website and the organisation chart. General description of the content of the supply: Lot 1— Hemispherical analyser. Lot 2— Monochromator. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: MB Scientific AB Specs Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
2016-11-17   Framework contract for provision of maintenance services for test benches and cyclers in scientific laboratories of... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 — Energy Storage)
The purpose of this call for tenders is the conclusion of framework contracts for the provision of maintenance services of several categories of instruments in use in the JRC scientific laboratories in 4 countries. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-09-12   Supply, installation and maintenance of a 75 kW/150 kWh battery storage system for grid-connected and island... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
Increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electricity networks results in growing power production variability. Hence reliable balancing technologies are required a) to provide extra power when RES power production is too low; and b) to store energy when there is a surplus of produced RES power. This balancing task can be provided by energy storage technologies, not only in transmission and distribution grids but also in smaller-scale networks. The requested battery storage system must allow … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Ingeteam Power Technology
2014-06-06   Supply, installation and maintenance of a 50 kW/150 kWh battery storage system for grid-connected and island... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
Increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electricity networks results in growing power production variability. Hence reliable balancing technologies are required a) to provide extra power when RES power production is too low and b) to store energy when there is a surplus of produced RES power. This balancing task can be provided by energy storage technologies, not only in transmission and distribution grids but also in smaller-scale networks. The requested battery storage system must allow … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2013-09-16   Smart Grids 'design and building of a integral test facility (ICT) for smart grids' (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Agentschap NL)
The Contracting Authority, the NL Agency (AgentschapNL) is an agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands. The NL Agency division Energy and Climate spans the policy areas of energy and transition , climate companies and international, climate and the build environment and the market introduction energy-investments. The division Energy and Climate not only executes international programes for the EC, the IEA and the Ministry of Economic Affairs but almost all national programes have an … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Kema Nederland B.V.
2013-08-08   Supply contract for the delivery of an SOEC electrolyser test station, including provision of related services (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The European Commission (EC) through the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) at Petten (NL) has established and operates a fuel cells and hydrogen test laboratory. For this laboratory, the Commission seeks to purchase a high pressure SOEC electrolyser test station including furnace. This equipment will be used to test single cells and single repeating units (SRUs), as the case may be, of solid oxide cells operating in fuel cell mode (solid oxide fuel cell or SOFC) as well as electrolyser mode (solid … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2013-08-03   The supply and maintenance of a real time digital simulator for electric power system studies (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The IET intends to build up advanced competences in the field of simulating the dynamic behaviour of smart grid electric power systems, primarily in view of reliability and power quality aspects. This includes modelling of short-term transients, occurring in the µs- to ms-range (as in the case of switching devices) and in the ms- to few seconds-range (as in the case of generator dynamics) as well as longer term events. The IET already disposes of offline (software) simulation tools to assess the dynamic … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: RTDS Technologies INC
2012-09-28   Supply and maintenance of an SOEC electrolyser test station (lot 1) and a PEM electrolyser/fuel cell test station (lot 2) (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The European Commission (EC) through the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) at Petten (NL) has established and operates a fuel cells and hydrogen test laboratory. For this laboratory, the Commission seeks to purchase an SOEC electrolyser test station (identified as lot 1) and a PEM electrolyser/fuel cell test station (identified as lot 2). Besides supply of the respective equipment, related services such as installation, commissioning, operational training, warranty and maintenance are part of the … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Greenlight Innovation
2012-08-24   E-beam system for coating substrates (ECN)
E-beam system for coating of substrates with sizes up to 300x300mm ranging from thin foils, minimum thickness 50 u, silicon wafers, up to glass plates with a thickness of maximum 3 mm. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Polyteknik AS
2012-08-10   Supply contract for the delivery of an SOEC electrolyser test station, including provision of related services (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The European Commission (EC) through the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) at Petten (NL) has established and operates a fuel cells and hydrogen test laboratory. For this laboratory, the Commission seeks to purchase a high pressure SOFC & SOEC electrolyser test station including furnace. This equipment will be used to test single cells and single repeating units (SRUs), as the case may be, of solid oxide cells operating in fuel cell mode (solid oxide fuel cell or SOFC) as well as electrolyser mode … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2011-11-04   Atomic Layer Deposition System (ALD) (Universiteit Twente)
Het doel van deze openbare aanbesteding van de Universiteit Twente is het gunnen van de opdracht aan één leverancier, welke leidt tot een nieuw contract voor het leveren van een Atomic Layer Deposition System (ALD). De levering dient plaats te vinden uiterlijk zes maanden na gunning. Opdrachtgever volgt gelet op de aard en de geraamde omvang van de Opdracht, een openbare aanbestedingsprocedure conform de Richtlijn 2004/18/EG, in Nederland geïmplementeerd in het. Deze Offerteaanvraag verschaft nadere … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2011-09-08   The supply of a PEMFC & DMFC test station at the JRC-IET, including related services (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The Joint Research Centre — Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) has established and operates a fuel cell and hydrogen test laboratory. In view of its activities, the IET has the intention to purchase a PEMFC & DMFC test station (hereinafter: the equipment). The equipment will be used to test single cells and short stacks, as the case may be, of low temperature (-40°C–100°C) and high temperature (> 100°C) polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEMFC), direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) or direct alcohol fuel … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Greenlight Innovation
2011-08-25   The supply, installation, warranty and maintenance of regenerative DC electronic load equipment at the JRC-IET (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) has established and operates laboratories to conduct research fuel cells through testing. In view of this, the IET intends to purchase regenerative DC electronic load equipment (hereinafter: the equipment) to feed power to the AC grid while performing tests mainly on fuel cell systems under various operating conditions. The full scope of this call for tender is the manufacture, delivery, installation, commissioning, operational training, 2 years of warranty … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: AR Benelux BV
2011-07-15   Substrate Carrier (Energy research Centre of the Netherlands)
De substrate carrier moet in staat zijn om flexibele folie, glasplaten, losse wafers of andere te behandelende sheet materialen naukeurig te verplaatsen terwijl het product tijdens de verplaatsing opgespannen dient te blijven. Bekijk de aanbesteding »