2023-07-25Levering en plaatsing van het 150kV Gas insulated switchgear station (GIS) voor Schiphol Zuidoost (Schiphol Nederland BV)
Doel van de aanbesteding: de Opdracht
Deze Uitnodiging tot Inschrijving kent de volgende scope met betrekking tot het 150kV Gas insulated switchgear station:
- Ontwerp en productie van het 150kV Gas insulated switchgear station
- Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
- Transport van fabriek naar bouwlocatie (voormalige Quick Parking Beechavenue)
- Levering en plaatsing op de bouwlocatie (inclusief horizontaal en verticaal transport on site)
- Site Acceptance Test (SAT) en tenslotte bedrijfsvaardig opleveren.
De …
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2022-12-31Project E-House for 10-20 kV Switchgear (Enexis Netbeheer B.V.)
This Invitation to Tender describes the European Public Procurement procedure for the procurement of minimum three (3) Project E-Houses for 10-20 kV Switchgear, including Medium Voltage Installation (NXPlusC - Siemens). These NXPlusC installations will be delivered and installed separately by Enexis and/ or Siemens and are not in scope within this Tender.
In scope tender:
1 x Project E-house (Typical A)
2 x Project E-house (Typical B)
2 x FAT (1 for Typical A and 1 for Typical B)
For specifications, see …
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2022-11-11Levering en plaatsing Ondergrondse systeemkasten (GVB Infra B.V.)
GVB past ondergrondse systeemkasten toe op plaatsen waar dit door de stadsdelen van Amsterdam wordt opgedragen en/of in situaties waar er geen ruimte is voor een bovengrondse systeemkast. Tot nu toe zijn verschillende uitvoeringen en voor verschillende toepassingen (specials) voor ondergrondse systeemkasten toegepast, nl.
• De Tram-systemen kast
• De Voedingen en wisselverwarmingskast
• De kWh meterkast
De kasten worden uiterlijk 12 weken (spoed: binnen 8 weken) na opdracht geleverd.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Custom Built Machinery B.V. (CBMMontfoort)
2022-07-28Suspension for the Mirror Chain ETpathfinder (Universiteit Maastricht)
UM is the youngest university of the Netherlands and growing fast. It currently has approximately 18,000 students and 4,400 employees. More information on UM can be found on the internetsite www.maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Maastricht University as the lead-partner in the ETpathfinder project will host a facility aimed at the development and tests of extremely sensitive optical interferometers like those used in gravitational wave detectors. A more detailed description of the ETpathfinder project can be …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Hawo bv
2022-05-09Pre-Isolation Platforms (Universiteit Maastricht)
Maastricht University (UM) is known in the Netherlands and abroad for its unique education system: problem-based learning (PGO). UM also distinguishes itself by its strong international orientation. More information on UM can be found on the internetsite www.maastrichtuniversity.nl.
Maastricht University as the lead-partner in the ETpathfinder project will host a facility aimed at the development and tests of extremely sensitive optical interferometers like those used in gravitational wave detectors. The …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Hawo bv
2022-02-15Power, Earthing and Voltage Regulation Transformers 2022 (Enexis Netbeheer B.V.)
Enexis is voornemens opdrachten te gunnen voor de levering van het gehele assortiment vermogens- en/of sterpunt- en/of regel transformatoren die Enexis in het net gebruikt.
De levering van de transformatoren is inclusief Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT), transport, installatie, Site Acceptance Test (SAT) en desgewenst inbedrijfstelling.
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2022-01-27Laagspanningsverdeelinrichtingen en Motor Control Centers (N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie)
Met het oog op de ontwikkeling van een warmtetransport netwerk in de regio Zuid-Holland, is WarmtelinQ voornemens om diverse warmtestations te bouwen ten behoeve van dit warmtetransport netwerk. Deze stations moeten worden voorzien van Laagspanningsverdeelinrichtingen en Motor control centers (MCC). Hiertoe wenst Gasunie een raamovereenkomst te sluiten.
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2021-12-08PAC (Protection Automation Control) (Alliander N.V.)
The aim of this European Tender is to contract a supplier that can deliver the required functionality and quality in terms of Substation Automation and Protection devices.
Supply contract - The supply contract is entered into an initial period of 4 years with the option to extend the contract by 2x 2 years, up to a maximum of 8 years.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Siemens
2021-06-08Distribution Automation — DA (Enexis BV)
Lot 1 — DA MV-T: Distribution Automation for medium voltage transport substations. The combination of the RTU, the network switch and I/O modules are suitable for multiple applications.
Lot 2 — DA MV-D 2.0: Distribution Automation for medium voltage distribution substations. This RTU replaces the DALI solution we currently use in distribution substations for monitoring and public street light control.
Lot 3 — DA-DRU (Digital Ripplecontrol Unit): To replace HV/MV mains signaling injection to control light …
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2021-02-22MV/HV Switchgear UR 24-36 kV (Stedin Netbeheer B.V.)
To design, fabricate, compose, inspect and test metal-enclosed switchgear in accordance with NEN-EN-IEC 62271-200, for switchgear with a maximum system voltage of 24 kV and 36 kV, with a rated busbar current of at least 1250 A. Part of the scope is the integration of third party IEDs into the switchgear, factory acceptance test, the transportation to site, the site acceptance test, and formal delivery of the switchgear in a state ready for operation.
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2020-12-17Replacement of UPS's on 4 LCF Frigates (Ministerie van Defensie)
The contracting authority hereby invites you to submit a request for participation for replacement of UPS's on four LCF frigates in Den Helder. Delivery is planned for the first frigate at mid of 2021. The other three will be on a yearly base after that. Your request for participation will be assessed on the basis of the conditions set out in this invitation to tender, in accordance with the restricted procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Law for Defence and Security, dated 28 January 2013. …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Jovyatlas GmbH
2020-07-21Astronomical Time Switch (Stedin Netwerkbeheer B.V.)
In the low voltage distribution network Stedin provides switching services, for example switching public lighting, switching boiler relays at customer and switching tariffs at the customer’s kWh meter. The switching facilities are generally installed in the low voltage systems in the electrical distribution stations. In a typical distribution station, there are three electromagnetic relays which switch on or off the power to the load. Two electromagnetic relays are used for switching public lighting and …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Eaton Industries (Netherlands) B.V.,
2020-07-18e-Houses 2020 (Enexis BV)
The engagement includes: completely furnished, professionally delivered e-houses, in which the available specifications are further elaborated in the documents accompanying the award guide. Operational delivery also includes performance of all necessary tests of IEC61850 based systems, with the exception of external interface tests.
The e-House switching station consists of:
— one (prefabricated) housing
— one 20 kV variant with single-rail switching system, Inom=2 500A, with longitudinal coupling field …
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2020-07-01Landelijk — levering en instandhouding van hoofdcomponenten TEV (ProRail BV)
De tractie-energie voor de treinen wordt via de hoog(wissel)spanningsnetten in de ProRail onderstations getransformeerd tot 1 500 V gelijkspanning. In deze onderstationsbevinden zich meerdere componenten waarvan voor de volgende componenten nieuwe overeenkomsten (hierna “overeenkomsten”) voor ontwikkeling, levering en instandhouding (tweedelijnsonderhoud) moeten worden afgesloten:
1. Tractietransformatoren (dit is een aparte aanbesteding);
2. Hoogspanningsverdeelinrichting (HVI);
3. …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Siemens Mobility B.V.
2019-11-13Bouw 3 voedings- en gelijkrichterstations t.b.v. laden veren (GVB Veren BV)
Met de realisatie van 3 voedings- en gelijkrichterstations aan de noordzijde van het Noordzeekanaal en het aansluitend monteren van de aansluitpunten op de veeraanlandingen wil GVB vanaf maart 2021 starten met het proefbedrijf waarna de exploitatie van de elektrische ponten op het Noordzeekanaal zal aanvangen.
Doelstelling van dit project is dat de te selecteren opdrachtnemer de 3 voedings- en gelijkrichterstations en de leidingen en kabels van de stations naar de veeraanlandingen tijdig realiseert en …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:BAM Infra Rail BV
2018-03-29Raamcontract Elektrotechnische Artikelen (Ministerie van Defensie)
4-jarig raamcontract voor levering en herbevoorrading van elektrotechnische artikelen.
Ondernemers die graag nadere informatie willen over het gebruik van Negometrix, kunnen diverse instructies raadplegen op:
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2017-06-27High Voltage Substation Automation Equipment (TenneT TSO BV)
Candidate Tenderers must sign a Non-Disclosure (‘Confidentiality’) Agreement prior to accessing confidential tender information. The NDA's can be uploaded in the Negometrix tender No 64783.
Scope: Manufacturing and Delivery of High Voltage Substation Automation Equipment, ancillary goods and services in TenneT's HV grid in Germany.
Training of TenneT staff to perform engineering tasks is to be offered as option.
Installation, System Integration, On-Site Testing and Commissioning is not in the scope.
The …
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2017-06-27High Voltage Protection Equipment (TenneT TSO BV)
Candidate Tenderers must sign a Non-Disclosure (‘Confidentiality’) Agreement prior to accessing confidential tender information. The NDA's can be uploaded in the Negometrix tendernr. 64783.
Scope: Manufacturing and Delivery of High Voltage Protection Equipment, ancillary goods and services in TenneT's HV grid in The Netherlands and Germany:
Lot 1: Protection Equipment Netherlands;
Lot 2: Busbar Protection Equipment Germany;
Part a: 80% Volume, Part b: 20% Volume;
Lot 3: Bay Protection Equipment …
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2017-05-10EA E-house 20 kV schakelstations (Enexis BV)
De aan te besteden component betreft compleet ingerichte, bedrijfsvaardig opgeleverde, E-houses. Deze E-houses dienen minimaal te bestaan uit een (prefab)behuizing, een 20 kV-schakelinstallatie, alle bijbehorende secundaire stuur- en bedieningspanelen, tertiaire installatie en alle overig benodigde functionele inrichtingen.
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2016-03-14TenneT Selection — High Voltage Secondary Systems ‘Wind op Zee’ (TenneT TSO BV)
The scope of this selecion is the High Voltage Secondary System(s) (HVSS) for the project(s) ‘Wind op Zee’ regarding the high voltage grid in the Netherlands. Part of the scope is the Design, System Integration, Programming, Parameterising, Testing, Delivery in Working Order and Support with Commissioning.
From 2017 onwards TenneT expects to build several off-shore platforms for the connection of off-shore windfarms to TenneT's on-shore high voltage grid. Each off-shore platform shall be equipped with a …
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2016-02-16Tender switchgears 33 kV, 6 bays, 1 250 A (TenneT TSO BV)
The scope of this call for tender contains switchgears for indoor application with a voltage level of 33 kV for TenneT's high voltage grid in the Netherlands.
In the period between 2017 and 2023, TenneT expect to build 5 off-shore platforms for the connection of off-shore windfarms to TenneT's on-shore high voltage grid. For the connection of the platforms to TenneT's on-shore grid, TenneT shall equip 5 landstations with in total 10 switchgears 33 kV for indoor application, with the following main …
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2015-12-22Compact Switchgears Single Busbar (Enexis BV)
Het project aanbesteding Enkelveld Compact Installaties Limmel heeft betrekking op het selecteren en contracteren van een leverancier voor 13 stuks ECI's inclusief het bedrijfsklaar opleveren hiervan.
De Enkelveld Compact Installaties (ECI's) buitenopstelling, zijn bedoeld voor de ombouw 50 kV-deel van het 150/50/10 kV schakelstation Limmel te Maastricht.
Momenteel is dit een traditioneel station met een open aanleg, bestaande uit 3 trafovelden, 8 kabelvelden en 1 koppelveld en 3 railsystemen x, y en …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:ABB BV
2015-09-14Single Busbar Compact Switchgears Limmel (Enexis BV)
Het project aanbesteding Enkelveld Compact Installaties Limmel heeft betrekking op het selecteren en contracteren van een leverancier voor 13 stuks ECI's inclusief het bedrijfsklaar opleveren hiervan.
De Enkelveld Compact Installaties (ECI's) zijn bedoeld voor de ombouw 50 kV-deel van het 150/50/10kV schakelstation Limmel te Maastricht.
Momenteel is dit een traditioneel station met een open aanleg, bestaande uit 3 trafovelden, 8 kabelvelden en 1 koppelveld en 3 railsystemen x, y en z.
In de nieuwe …
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2015-07-27Substation Automation System (Alliander NV)
The client is hereby tendering a substation automation system. This includes various components plus the necessary software and engineering services. The main components are a HMI, RTU or Gateway and bay controllers. These station-automation components are necessary for about 20 stations with an average of 17 fields per station.
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2015-05-29Distribution Automation Box MV-D Substations (Enexis BV)
Distribution Automation Box MV-D.
An assembly of components (i.e. RTU, Modem, I/O-modules etc.) integrated in an enclosure, meant for remote monitoring and control functionality of MV-D secondary Substations. Within Enexis, MV-D substations are Secondary substations consisting of a single MV-busbar system (RMU) with multiple (1 to 5) MV feeders, situated directly above the LV network. Within the MV/LV Secondary Substations, LV transformer monitoring and short-circuit indicator reading is part of the scope.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Mikronika
2015-03-13Request for Information. Substation Automation Alliander (Alliander NV)
Substation automation (RTU, HMI, gateway, Bay-controller etc.)
This RFI is intended to gain insight into the market, prior to a sourcing procedure, relating to the possibilities and impossibilities at supplier level. Alliander also wishes to make use of the substantive expertise of the market, including on the draft Schedule of Requirements (SoR). As a supplier within this market, you are requested to assist Alliander in this.
The intention is not for the respondents to submit an offer at this moment. It …
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2014-11-03Distribution Automation Box MV-T Substations (Enexis BV)
Distribution Automation Box for MV-T Substations.
An assembly of components (i.e. RTU, Modem, I/O-modules etc.) integrated in an enclosure, meant for remote monitoring and control functionality of MV-T substations. Within Enexis, MV-T substations are secondary substations with a single busbar system and multiple (5 to 20) feeders, situated between primary HV/MV substations and secondary MV/LV substations.
In scope are the supply of:
— Hardware:
— RTU (Protocol: IEC 61850 and IEC 60870-5-104);
— 2G/3G/4G …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:SAE IT-systems GmbH & Co. KG
2014-06-05Vacuum Circuit Breakers, 370pcs, 1250A and 4000A (Enexis BV)
Production and delivery of vacuum circuit breakers, fixed on a trolley which can be driven into the existing switchgear installations of Enexis.
Purpose of the trolley:
— A visible split between the railsystem and the outgoing or ingoing connections.
— By driving out the trolley it can also be used for other switchgear installations from the same type.
Features of the trolley:
— A plug connection for the electrical operation and position indication (visible on the outside of the trolley).
— Mechanical …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:CR Technology Systems SpA