2022-06-09GEANT IP Routing and Switching Supply and Services Replacement (Géant Vereniging)
**GÉANT GN5 - Packet Layer Routing Infrastructure Replacement - Supply & Support **
GÉANT is a fundamental element of Europe’s e-infrastructure, delivering the pan-European GÉANT network for scientific excellence, research, education and innovation. Through its integrated catalogue of connectivity, collaboration and identity services, GÉANT provides users with highly reliable, unconstrained access to computing, analysis, storage, applications and other resources, to ensure that Europe remains at the …
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2022-05-31Vulnerability scanner service (Géant Vereniging)
Currently there is no structured use of vulnerability research / scanning software within the GÉANT community, the contracting of a provider of such services should change that.
The ultimate objective of this procurement is to build a foundation for all connected NRENs in which they can make use of vulnerability scanner software, -system or- services that are best suited in their situation, while via regular reporting mechanisms the GÉANT community get better and more reliable insights on how secure or …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Outpost 24
2022-04-21Leased services South Caucasus (Géant Vereniging)
This procurement's goal is to provide local Internet Transit Backup service for three Caucasian NREN partners: Armenia (Yerevan), Azerbaijan (Baku) and Georgia (Tbilisi) at gigabit speeds and leased gigabit service for connecting Yerevan to the GEANT network.
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2022-04-14Site engineering services - GÉANT European PoP's (Géant Vereniging)
GÉANT require partners who can provide suitably skilled engineers able to perform work at each of its current and future Point of Presence location
The supplier is expected to provide resource capable of performing tasks such as equipment installation & de-installation, site survey, site audit, fibre and copper cabling, link testing and basic commissioning work and live service migrations on the IP router and Optical equipment deployed at the sites.
Supplies may also be asked to quote for and supply …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Indigo Telecom Group Limited
2022-01-17Armenian IRU connectivity (Géant Vereniging)
The tender looks for an IRU connectivity contract for the Armenian National Academic and Research Networks (NREN) in the framework of the EaPConnect 2 project.
The service contract that is sought for is either a high capacity point-to-point wavelength or Ethernet Private Line type between Yerevan and a GEANT PoP.
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2021-07-01AC3 UbuntuNet Alliance Capacity Services 2021 (Géant Vereniging)
This Invitation to Tender is using the Competitive Dialogue process (as described in Article 30 of DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement utilising funding from the AfricaConnect3 development grant funding programme.
The scope of this tender includes capacity services delivered as dedicated Leased Lines to connect various locations within East and Southern Africa as well as upgrading backbone links from the region, to Europe.
We are …
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2021-04-23Géant World Service Frameworks Retender (Géant Vereniging)
Géant is retendering its frameworks for the provision of upstream or IP Transit services to support its National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Europe, the Mediterranean and wider regions, to allow them to exchange international IP traffic with the customers of commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) worldwide.
Framework value stated below is the theoretical maximum possible value of the usage based frameworks' turnover over 4 years and is no indication of actual commitment as the future …
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2021-02-08Wacren Capacity Benin Mali Burkina 2021 (Géant Vereniging)
Requirement for capacity services between established WACREN PoPs in Abidjan or Lagos and any of the options for Benin, Mali or Burkina Faso as stated in the tender documents.
Bidders may quote for a leased line point to point service and/or Virtual Private Wire Service (VPWS). These options are distinct but acceptable alternative types of service. The minimum bandwidth required is stated in the tender documents.
The preferred solution is for the capacity to be delivered over an end-to-end leased line …
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2021-01-27IRU Tender for South Caucasus Connectivity (Géant Vereniging)
The tender looks for IRU connectivity contracts for the three South Caucasian National Academic and Research Networks (NREN) in the framework of the EaPConnect 2 project.
The contract that are sought for are high capacity point-to-point wavelength connections either between the South Caucasian republics or between GEANT and the South Caucasian republic.
For further details, please download the tender documentation.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:JSC “Company TransTeleCom”TürkTelekom International AT GmbH
2021-01-11ASREN MARWEN 1Gbps Capacity Tender (Géant Vereniging)
This Invitation to Tender is using the open tender, to run a call for tenders, (operated by GÉANT and ASREN), in order to establish connectivity services (at 1 Gbps or more), that will connect Marwan to the ASREN network through one of several possible GÉANT (or ASREN) PoPs in Europe, (or London).
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:MEDI TELECOM -Groupe Orange Groupe...
2020-09-07GÉANT Network Analytics Services Framework (Géant Vereniging)
This tender sets out GÉANT's requirement for an efficient suite of network analysis tools that can continuously monitor all the traffic flows on the network, providing real time information to the network engineering team and the NOC staff.
Network Analytical Systems provide operations staff with real-time visibility across the network as well as being able to support our engineers as they detect and isolate performance problems within applications or hardware across the entire GÉANT estate.
A Network …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Kentik Technologies, Inc.
2020-07-31Audit Services Tender 2020 (Géant Vereniging)
The intention through this formal procurement process is to appoint a bidder to audit GÉANT with respect to their required statutory audits for a 5-year period covering the financial years 2021-2025 and during this 5-year period to also provide audit services with respect to the various European Community (EC) Grant Contracts that are managed by GÉANT.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Deliotte Accountants B.V.
2020-01-20GÉANT IP Routing and Switching Support (Géant Vereniging)
Tender to establish a framework agreement that will provide first line maintenance (FLM) and suitably qualified and experienced Juniper qualified field engineers to perform hardware replacement in our European PoP sites. Also hardware spares management for the same as well as the ability to deliver Juniper IP routing and switching hardware to our European PoP sites in a timely manner and a clear ability to resell Juniper hardware and support services. Additional CPV Codes 32260000, 32400000, 32500000, 32420000.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Xantaro UK Ltd
2019-05-17GÉANT Inventory System (Géant Vereniging)
GÉANT plans to procure a new commercial inventory system to replace its legacy in-house operations database. This MySQL database is used by network engineers via a website front-end to document the GÉANT optical and IP network equipment, circuits and layer 1, 2 and 3 services.
The new inventory system must be a database with a website front-end which allows users to view records pertaining to network equipment, cables, circuits and services. The equipment will be modular, with physical and logical …
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2019-02-28Audit Services Tender 2019 (Géant Vereniging)
The intention through this formal procurement process is to appoint a bidder to audit GÉANT with respect to their required statutory audits for a 5-year period covering the financial years 2019-24, and during this 5-year period to also provide audit services with respect to the various European Community (EC) Grant Contracts that are managed by GÉANT.
It is anticipated any resultant contract from this procurement will be awarded in July 19, with the first Audit deliverables due in October 2019 for a …
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2018-08-02IRU Asia Pacific — Europe 100Gb+ (Géant Vereniging)
A collaboration of 6 Research and Education Network organizations has formed to jointly procure a long-term commitment for a minimum of one 100 Gbit/s transparent wavelength, ideally spectrum between Europe and Singapore. The organizations in this collaboration are AARNet (Australia), Géant (Europe), NORDUnet (European Nordics), SingAREN (Singapore), SURFnet (The Netherlands), and TEIN*CC (South Korea).
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