Leverancier: The Square Mile Public Sector Training BV

2 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier The Square Mile Public Sector Training BV wordt genoemd

2016-07-11   Opleiding en Ontwikkeltrajecten (Politie)
Betreft Europese openbare aanbesteding m.b.t. opleiding en ontwikkeltrajecten. De aanbesteding betreft zes percelen te weten: perceel 1: vakopleidingen, perceel 2: talen, perceel 3: soft skills, perceel 4: mobiliteit en ontwikkelinstrumenten, perceel 5: pensioen in zicht, perceel 6: bedrijfshulpverlening. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: ACM Opleidingen BV Bureau Zuidema BV BVO opleidingen BV Divers zie VII.2.1). G4S Training & Safety bv GITP BV Leeuwendaal advies BV NCOI Opleidingen BV Per perceel verschillend Regio BHV Nederland BV Stavoor BV The Square Mile Public Sector Training BV
2014-07-10   Provision of language training services (Eurojust)
This call for tender is interinstitutional. In addition to Eurojust, the resulting contracts will, where applicable, also apply to Europol. With this tender, Eurojust and Europol intend to: โ€” help staff members to meet the required level of knowledge of a 3rd language, โ€” help post holders develop and improve language skills for working purposes, โ€” assess the language skills of selection candidates. Eurojust and Europol need to set up language training services to meet the general activities and โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Communicaid Group Limited Linguarama Ltd The Berlitz Schools of Languages of Benelux SA/NV The Square Mile Public Sector Training BV