2020-02-07TenneT Offshore Grid — Client Representative 525 kV HVDC Cable Tests (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT will develop 2 GW offshore grid connection systems for integrating offshore wind parks into the Dutch and into the German power grid. To be able to transport the required 2 GW power, a submarine cable system operating at a voltage level 525 kV DC is needed.
TenneT initiated a development programme for the 525 kV DC submarine cable system and received positive responses from cable manufacturers in Europe and Asia. Based on the development programme cable manufacturers will perform tests resulting …
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2019-11-14Message Handling System (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT intends to launch a Public European Tender Procedure Message Handling System on the market.
Interested parties can only access the tender documents that are included in this Public European Tender Procedure Message Handling System if interested parties sign and return an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) before 26.11.2019 12.00.
Interested parties can request the NDA by sending a message to danielle.romp@tennet.eu
Please see article II.2.4) for further information.
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2019-11-12Development Programme of 525 kV DC Submarine Cable System (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Please note: this is not a contract notice for a tender procedure for a public contract, this is notice for a development programme for which the compensation does not fall directly under the public procurement law. TED is merely used for publication of the development programme.
Description of the development programme:
TenneT is developing two (2) GW offshore grid connection systems for integrating the IJmuiden-Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid for which a submarine cable system operating at a …
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2019-11-11Offshore Grid NL — Offshore UXO Survey, Identification and Clearance (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The law ‘Wind energy at Sea’ of 1.7.2015, intends to scale up wind energy in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. In this law TenneT TSO B.V. (hereafter Client) is the offshore grid operator. In this role the Client is responsible for engineering, procurement, installation, construction and operation of the-connections between the offshore wind farms (through a converter platform) to the onshore network.
On 27.3.2018 the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy introduced Roadmap 2030. The …
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2019-10-21Offshore Grid NL — Certifying Authority Platform Hollandse Kust Noord, Hollandse Kust West Alpha and Hollandese Kust... (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT, as the offshore grid operator in the Dutch part of the North Sea, will be responsible for the design, fabrication, installation and operation of the grid connections which will transport the generated power to shore.
Within each of these grid connections a 700 MW AC offshore substation is included. In order to minimize the total cost of ownership, TenneT has, in-house, developed a standard platform up to the level of basic design. This basic design has been appraised by DNV GL. During each …
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2019-10-11HVDC System, Offshore and Onshore HVDC Converter Stations - IJmuiden Ver (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems have not yet been developed which are proven safe, reliable, delivered on-time and cost efficient (LCoE: lowest cost of energy), the scope of this innovation partnership procedure is the HVDC system, offshore & onshore converters. Offshore platforms and HVDC cables are excluded from the scope, as these will be tendered separately.
Other offshore HVDC …
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2019-09-17Offshore Grid NL — UXO Consultancy Services (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The law ‘Wind energy at Sea’ of 1.7.2015, intends to scale up wind energy in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. In this law TenneT TSO B.V. (hereafter client) is the offshore grid operator. In this role the client is responsible for engineering, procurement, installation, construction and operation of the connections between the offshore wind farms (through a converter platform) to the onshore network.
On 27.3.2018 the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy introduced Roadmap 2030. The …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:RPS Energy Ltd
2019-08-26XBID Testing Services (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The development and testing of the XBID Solution has predominantly, until now, been undertaken using a 'Waterfall' approach. The project parties and the service provider are exploring the potential implementation of an 'Agile' approach for the upcoming releases.
In order to support the TSO-only-XBID project (excl. NEMOs), which is composed of 31 TSOs, the need for professional external testing service support has arisen. The scope of the external testing service support comprises:
1) Involvement in test …
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2019-07-19Assurance Services (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The scope of this tender covers the following elements: provide assurance services as mentioned in the scope document; consent letter, comfort letter and letter on general terms and conditions related to the EMTN prospectus, if requested; project specific audits, if requested.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Deloitte Accountants BV
2019-07-16TenneT Offshore Grid — FEED Study 2 GW 525kV DC Platform — IJmuiden Ver (TenneT TSO B.V.)
This FEED (Front End Engineering Design) study is part of the preparatory work for the development of thesegrid connection systems (GCS). It focusses on establishing a basic design and tender package for the realisation of 2 identical offshore platforms as part of these GCSs. The development of the High Voltage (HV) components to be incorporated in the offshore platforms will be by TenneT, in cooperation with a number of HV system suppliers.
The FEED study covers both the platform structure and the …
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2019-06-28SOC and SIEM Managed Services (EU-263) (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Given the ever increasing importance of information security within TenneT, the need for security monitoring has been identified as paramount. Hence, the decision has been made that a SOC/SIEM solution be implemented forthwith. The tooling necessary for this unit, as well as the majority of the operational workload will be outsourced.
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2019-06-20Project Collaboration System — Cosy (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT plans to purchase and implement a project Collaboration System (Cosy). The system must be a Public Cloud multi-tenant SaaS solution.
The goal of this tender is to conclude an Agreement with one supplier for delivery, implementation and support of a Public Cloud project Collaboration System for both TenneT TSO B.V. as for TenneT TSO GmbH.
The primary objective of the project ‘Implementation of the new Project Collaboration System’ is to select and implement a new collaboration platform for the …
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2019-06-13Always Energy (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT started the Always Energy program in 2016. The objective of this program is to encourage employees to take responsibility for their own energy level. Specifically:
— employees know the different elements that determine their energy level,
— employees choose where and how they take action to maintain or increase their energy level,
— employees have access to resources if they need it.
TenneT is looking for a contractor who can shape and implement the Always Energy program for 2020-2022.
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2019-06-12Software Reseller (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The objective of the tender is to select and contract one Software Reseller to buy and deliver (via reseller) all kind of standard software for TenneT Netherlands and TenneT Gemany an their subsidiaries. Where as the standard software include licenses, subcriptions, maintenance and support, logistics, contract management. Software Reseller must have the 'licensing solution partnership'-status (LSP) of Microsoft.
Furthermore this agreement will be in line with the harmonisation and standardisation …
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2019-05-21NextGen EMS-SCADA (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT intends to select a supplier for the supply, implementation and maintenance of an EMS/SCADA system, encompassing:
— delivery, implementation and integration, including software licences and customisations ('Deliver'),
— support services and maintenance ('Support'),
— upgrades ('Upgrade'),
— further development ('Evolve').
The detailed scope is further described in question 1.1.2 on the Negometrix platform in the document 'High level tender scope for NGES_Version Call for Competition.pdf' that is …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Open Systems International Europe S.L.Open Systems International, Inc.
2019-04-16Print- en Drukwerk (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT heeft als doel om een raamovereenkomst te sluiten met 1 drukwerkleverancier voor een periode van 3 jaar met de optie deze overeenkomst 3 maal 1 jaar te verlengen. Deze marktpartij moet op een flexibele, snelle en duurzame manier invulling geven aan het druk-, print-, en reprowerk van TenneT. De opdracht bestaat onder andere uit het uitvoeren van drukwerkopdrachten, zoals briefpapier, enveloppen, visitekaartjes, repro, brochures, magazines, folders en flyers. Daarnaast het leveren van aanpalende …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Canon Nederland NVDe Bondt grafimedia communicatie bv
2019-03-13EU-259 Lokaliseren Ondergrondse Infra (LOI) (TenneT TSO B.V.)
De doelstelling van het project is om in samenwerking met twee (2) opdrachtnemers de liggingsgegevens van de ondergrondse kabels en leidingen op alle terreinen in Nederland digitaal beschikbaar te krijgen met een nauwkeurigheid van 20 centimeter op de X, Y en Z coördinaat. Hiermee voldoet TenneT aan de interne eisen en de registratie eis voor kabel- en leidingbeheerders, zoals gesteld in de WIBON: Kabel- en leidingbeheerders moeten al hun (ondergrondse) kabels en leidingen beschikbaar hebben en melden …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Combinatie ATKB bv & BOOT organiserend...MapXact bvMapXact. bv
2019-02-07Mobile Stations Incl Rapid Response Services (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The aim of the mobile station is to replace an existing substation and restore/continue the supply of electricity in the Netherlands in a rapid time frame.
For TenneT it is important to have mobile stations that cover multiple voltage levels (from 380 kV — 500 MVA and lower voltage levels), are flexible and can be deployed rapidly to continue/restore the electricity supply in The Netherlands. A mobile station has easy transportable components mounted on skids, trailers or in containers in the form of …
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2019-02-04NextGen EMS/SCADA (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT intends to select a supplier for the supply, implementation and maintenance of an EMS/SCADA system, encompassing:
— delivery, implementation and integration, including software licences and customisations (“Deliver”),
— support services and maintenance (“Support”),
— upgrades (“Upgrade”),
— further development (“Evolve”).
The detailed scope is further described in question 1.1.2 on the Negometrix platform in the document “High level tender scope for NGES_Version Call for Competition.pdf” that is …
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2019-01-31Tender Failure Service and Repair Works of HV-cable Systems in the Netherlands (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The current Framework Agreement of TenneT concerning a failure service and repair works of the high voltage cable systems in the Netherlands from starting 110 kV will be expired in the middle of 2019. TenneT will start a tender to find a service provider for the period afterwards.
The scope is:
— managing a service desk for failure notifications,
— repair works of failures of high voltage cable systems (110 kV, 150 kV, 220 kV and 380 kV),
— the employment of personnel and equipment,
— managing the …
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2019-01-31Tender 3-phase Phase Shifting Transformers 150 kV, 450 MVA (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The scope of the contract consists of the supply, transportation, assembly and delivery in working order of (2) two 3-phase phase shifting transformers 150 kV, 450 MVA.
The tender shall consist of the following phases: selection phase; offer phase (initial bid); negotiations; offer phase (best and final offer).
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2018-12-31Zonnepark VB150 (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT is voornemens een zonnepark te realiseren met 1 372 zonnepanelen, met totaal vermogen van ca. 411,6 kWp, op het braakliggende terrein achter 150 kV station Voorburg (VB150).
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:E2-Energy B.V.
2018-10-05Fundatieverzwaringen 380kV verbinding Lelystad - Ens (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Het doel van deze procedure is het middels een onderhandelingsprocedure (aparte selectie) te komen tot een of twee overeenkomsten voor het realiseren van fundatieverzwaringen aan de 380kV hoogspanningsverbinding Lelystad - Ens. Op hoofdlijnen bestaan de werkzaamheden uit voorbereidende activiteiten (nulmeting, (uitvoerings-)ontwerpactiviteiten, bemaling, werkterreinen en toegangswegen, omgevingsmanagement), realisatie (fundatie verzwaringen, onderhoud en aanleg werkwegen en terreinen) en nazorg …
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2018-09-10EU-240 Managed Service Mobile Communication (TenneT TSO B.V.)
This tender aims to outsource Mobile Services (voice, data and device) for all users in Germany and the Netherlands. Since the situation in both countries is not entirely equal TenneT decided to tender in 2 lots, one for each country.
The TenneT user organization is currently standardized on iOS and iPhones, therefore the Mobile Services will at first be based on iOS and iPhones.
However, TenneT requests a flexible contract that facilitates a transition of the Mobile Services to another Operating System, …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:T-Mobile Netherlands B.V.Vodafone GmbH
2018-06-18EU-247 Inhuur E-toezicht (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Het doel van deze aanbesteding is het selecteren van leveranciers en het afsluiten van raamovereenkomsten met SLA's met afname- en leververplichting voor het verlenen van de diensten m.b.t. de levering van E-toezichthouders op de locaties waar de werkzaamheden plaatsvinden, zodanig dat een landelijke dekking kan worden bereikt.
Er zijn twee (2) categorieën te onderscheiden:
— Categorie 1 - Stations (hoogspanningsstations),
— Categorie 2 - Verbindingen: Lijnen (bovengrondse hoogspanningsverbindingen) en …
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Exience B.VFluxpower B.V.Safeworks B.V.Spie Nederland B.V
2018-05-18Delivery and implementation ERP solution (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Given new strategic directions, TenneT plans to reach its corporate ambition towards one single ERP solution servicing the TenneT core and support business processes in Germany and the Netherlands, enabling the change towards one single ERP solution.
The ERP software evaluation and selection project is initiated to update the current TenneT IT applications infrastructure throughout Germany and the Netherlands, improving the functionality of the legacy business systems with a single new Integrated ERP …
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2018-04-12EU-235 Regiomontage en onderhoud (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Het doel van deze aanbesteding is het afsluiten van raamovereenkomsten voor de behoefte aan primaire en secundaire montage- en onderhoudswerkzaamheden van de TenneT afdeling M&P (regio Noord, Zuid en West). Primaire werkzaamheden: alle werktuigbouwkundige en civiele werkzaamheden die benodigd zijn voor het vervangen van primaire componenten. Secundaire werkzaamheden: alle werkzaamheden aan de secundaire en tertiaire installaties. De montagewerkzaamheden zijn kleinschalige, preventieve, correctieve en …
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2018-04-11Tender Filter banks CFE380 and Wind op Zee (TenneT TSO B.V.)
The scope of this call for tender contains:
The design, supply, erection and testing of complete 220 kV and 380 kV filter banks (H-bridge capacitor banks including air-core reactors and resistors), for TenneT's high voltage grid in the Netherlands.
After selection of candidates, TenneT directly start with the call for tender for the mentioned filter banks.
The call for tender shall result in a framework agreement with one supplier for the delivery and installation for all needed filter banks in the …
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2018-04-06Advisory on econometric DEA modelling of TSOs in the European International context (TenneT TSO B.V.)
This is not a special sector assignment, nor an EU tender. This publication is to provide transparency upfront (prior information notice) due to cross border interest. This assignment is a joint request from 22 European TSO's. TSO's are selecting an advisor which must:
1) have experience with econometric DEA modeling of TSOs in the European International context;
2) be in the position to openly provide critique to the current model and method;
3) provide a project plan that elaborates how to deal with …
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2013-01-15Marktconsultatie Document Management Infrastructuur. Dit betrft geen openbare Europese aanbesteding maar een... (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Binnen TenneT bestaat behoefte aan eenduidige keuzes met betrekking tot het managen van informatie. Deze worden ingegeven vanuit de noodzaak de eigen processen beter gestructureerd te laten verlopen, de roep om eenduidigheid, digitaliseringacties en/of de noodzaak tot archiveren voor compliancy doeleinden. Tegelijkertijd neemt de verhuizing naar een nieuw TenneT kantoor eind 2013 nieuwe uitdagingen met zich mee: de beperkte kastruimte en de nieuwe manier van werken vragen om een hoge mate van …
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2012-11-19EU-194 Accountancydiensten (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Het doel van deze aanbesteding is het in beginsel afsluiten van een overeenkomst(en) met een partij die de dienstverlening uitvoert op het gebied van de controle van de statutaire jaarrekeningen, assurance werkzaamheden bij regulatorische verantwoordingen, overige assurance werkzaamheden, gerelateerde tax services en overige accountancydiensten aan TenneT Holding B.v. en haar groepsmaatschappijen waar zij beslissende zeggenschap op uitvoert.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Ernst & Young
2012-11-16ICT (werkplek) Hardware EU-189 (TenneT TSO B.V.)
TenneT wil reseller/dienstverlener selecteren om een overeenkomst mee af te sluiten voor ict werkplek hardware en alle bijhorende diensten. Binnen TenneT zijn verschillende ontwikkelingen gaande zoals het betrekken van een nieuw hoofkantoor eind 2013, begin 2014 en tevens de beoogde overstap naar flexwerken, het nieuwe werken.
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2012-10-03EU aanbesteding Inbouwpakket - Vaste Inrichting (TenneT TSO B.V.)
In 2013 verhuist Tennet in Arnhem vanuit een drietal panden op het bedrijvenpark Arnhems Buiten naar het nieuwe pand Mariëndaal Centre of Excellence (MCE). Het werk omvat de levering en de plaatsing van de Vaste Inrichting voor het nieuwe hoofdkantoor. Hieronder vallen onder andere balies, pantrys, zitelementen, lockers en kasten.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Inbouwpakket MCE - Vaste Inrichting
2012-10-03EU aanbesteding Inbouwpakket - Bouwkundig Interieur (TenneT TSO B.V.)
In 2013 verhuist Tennet in Arnhem vanuit een drietal panden op het bedrijvenpark Arnhems Buiten naar het nieuwe pand Mariëndaal Centre of Excellence (MCE). Het werk omvat de levering en de plaatsing van het Bouwkundig Interieur voor het nieuwe hoofdkantoor. Hieronder vallen alle vloerafwerkingen, systeemwanden en wandafwerkingen.
Bekijk de aanbesteding » Genoemde leveranciers:Intermontage Leurink B.V.
2012-08-24Aanbesteding - Diensten Dagelijks Toezicht (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Ten behoeve van nieuwbouw, uitbreiding of ingrijpende vervanging van het ≥ 110 kV transportnet in Nederland vinden er bouw- en onderhoudswerkzaamheden plaats aan de hoogspanningsstations en hoogspanningsverbindingen van TenneT. Onder hoogspanningsverbindingen verstaat TenneT zowel de bovengrondse als de ondergrondse verbindingen. Bovengrondse hoogspanningsverbindingen worden met "lijnen" aangeduid en ondergrondse hoogspanningsverbindingen met "kabels". Op de locaties waar de bouw- en …
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