The purpose of this tender procedure is to award a single contract to a supplier or a consortium of suppliers that can provide the delivery, installation, tuning and ongoing development of a solution for Flight Data Services. Furthermore, the supplier or consortium of suppliers should be able to provide maintenance and support services during the operational and economic lifetime of the solution.
The tender procedure is a RESTRICTED PROCEDURE. During the selection phase, ATC-NL wishes to select a maximum of 5 (five) candidates who have proven themselves as capable in realizing similar contracts successfully. The selected candidates will then be eligible to submit a tender during the award
phase of this tender procedure.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2023-10-25.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2023-09-15.
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Flight Data Services solution
Producten/diensten: Software voor luchtverkeersleiding📦
Korte beschrijving:
“The purpose of this tender procedure is to award a single contract to a supplier or a consortium of suppliers that can provide the delivery, installation,...”
Korte beschrijving
The purpose of this tender procedure is to award a single contract to a supplier or a consortium of suppliers that can provide the delivery, installation, tuning and ongoing development of a solution for Flight Data Services. Furthermore, the supplier or consortium of suppliers should be able to provide maintenance and support services during the operational and economic lifetime of the solution.
The tender procedure is a RESTRICTED PROCEDURE. During the selection phase, ATC-NL wishes to select a maximum of 5 (five) candidates who have proven themselves as capable in realizing similar contracts successfully. The selected candidates will then be eligible to submit a tender during the award
phase of this tender procedure.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Luchtverkeersbegeleidingssystemen📦
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland🏙️
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“The new FDS solution shall consist of a service supporting storage of ATS messages, flights, flight data, etc. and anticipates on expected new standards for...”
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The new FDS solution shall consist of a service supporting storage of ATS messages, flights, flight data, etc. and anticipates on expected new standards for message communication to be provided with relevant ATS messages, e.g.. connect to B2B (SWIM) flight services to meet future requirements for ANSP’s and CFSP’s. Working positions shall be configurable with (user) profiles, which will be the basis for flights and flight plan messages that are available to the user. For FDS LVNL requires a service, with possibilities to apply and manually adjust data-disclosure, functionalities, and HMI-presentation for different users(-groups).
Replacement in two phases:
1) In the first phase of the project the current ADAS system has to be replaced and certified with the current functionality. The implementation is anticipated to be finished in 2024.
2) The second phase of the project will add functionality that is now covered by a separate system called Home Briefing System (see more detailed description of HBS above), and will eventually include amongst others: B2B connection, AMHS/AFTN connection, HMI improvements and connection with the future Contingency Center Polaris.
The System Requirements Document (SRD), as will be used in the award phase, will further specify both phases of the project.
The offered solution comprises at least the following:
o Right to use the solution.
o Documentation for software and training. An important reason for the replacement of ADAS is the need to verify the compliance of the system to the required safety assurance level. ATC-NL will provide a high-level functional requirements document, and the Supplier shall document the specification of the software to allow certification according to a SWAL 4.
o Hardware on-premise, in the cloud or hybrid
o Platform: training environment, acceptance environment, production environment
o Integration testing: The system is tested in relation to its neighbouring systems (interfacing systems). The system integration test has multiple focus areas: the technical system integration and the functional system integration.;
o Acceptance testing: The system is tested to verify that the system meets the requirements of LVNL.;
o Commissioning: The system is going into operation with all its components and interfaces;
o Development service for further development and maintenance work for the full life cycle of the product;
o Realizing changes as a result of new/altered international regulations such as SESAR CP1 (Common Project 1)
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Geschatte totale waarde exclusief BTW: EUR 5 000 000 💰
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 120
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Dit contract kan worden verlengd ✅ Beschrijving
Beschrijving van de verlengingen:
“The agreement can be extended three times for a maximum of 5 years each, upto a total duration of 25 years.” Informatie over de beperkingen van het aantal uit te nodigen kandidaten
Beoogd minimumaantal: 1
Maximaal aantal: 5
Objectieve criteria voor de keuze van het beperkte aantal kandidaten: Please refer to the publisched Selection Guide.
Informatie over opties
Opties ✅
Beschrijving van de opties:
“- Future services will include development services and maintenance activities during the lifetime of the FDS solution and will also include the realization...”
Beschrijving van de opties
- Future services will include development services and maintenance activities during the lifetime of the FDS solution and will also include the realization of changes as a result of new/altered international regulations such as SESAR CP1 (Common Project 1).
- Additional deliveries as a result of possible expansions of the solution
- The agreement can be extended three times for a maximum of 5 years each, upto a total duration of 25 years.
Toon meer Beschrijving
Aanvullende informatie:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.”
Juridische, economische, financiële en technische informatie Voorwaarden voor deelname
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.” Economische en financiële draagkracht
Selectiecriteria zoals vermeld in de aanbestedingsdocumenten
Technische en professionele bekwaamheid
Selectiecriteria zoals vermeld in de aanbestedingsdocumenten
Voorwaarden voor deelname
Lijst en korte beschrijving van regels en criteria:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.”
Vereiste deposito's en garanties:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.”
Rechtsvorm van de combinatie van ondernemers aan wie de opdracht wordt gegund:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.”
Procedure Soort procedure
Beperkte procedure
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2023-10-25
13:00 📅
Geschatte datum van verzending van de uitnodigingen tot inschrijving of tot deelneming aan de geselecteerde gegadigden: 2023-12-07 📅
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels 🗣️
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Minimumtermijn gedurende welke de inschrijver de offerte gestand moet doen: 4
Aanvullende informatie Informatie over elektronische workflows
Er zal gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische bestellingen
Elektronische facturering wordt aanvaard
Er zal gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische betaling
Naam: Rechtbank Arrondissement Noord-Holland
Poststad: Haarlem
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱 Herzieningsprocedure
Precieze informatie over de termijn(en) voor herzieningsprocedures:
“Please refer to the published Selection Guide for full details concerning this tender procedure.”
Bron: OJS 2023/S 181-566978 (2023-09-15)