Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
Reason for and aim of the contract
Right now, the University of Groningen, in this matter the contracting entity, has a contract for an LMS. This contract terminates latest on 29 December 2022. The UG intends to conclude a new contract for an LMS, that fulfils the requirements of this tendering document. The UG has set up a public tender for this for the entire University.
Description of the contract (scope)
The scope of this contract for a LMS includes the following:
— data exchange and integrations;
— data conversion and migration from the current LMS;
— training of administrators, support staff and end users;
— hosting including storage, maintenance, updates and support (SaaS);
— licences;
— partnership.
The following components are outside the scope of the contract:
Anti plagiarism software.
The University of Groningen intends to conclude a contract with one (1) tenderer for a period of five (5) years, with eight (8) options for renewal, each with one (1) year. The contract will start on 1 September 2020 and terminate by force of law on 31 August 2025.
If the University of Groningen wishes to extend the contract, it will notify the contractor in writing at least three (3) months before the contract ends by force of law, or the option of extension expires. The University of Groningen intends to conclude a contract for thirteen (13) year(s).