IT Application Management Services

TenneT TSO BV and TenneT TSO GmbH

TenneT is a leading European electricity transmission system operator (TSO) with activities in the Netherlands and in Germany. We ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity in our high-voltage grid connecting the 41 000 000 end-users in the markets we serve. We take every effort to meet our stakeholders' needs by being responsible, engaged and connected.
With around 21 000 kilometres of high-voltage lines, we cross borders and connect countries. TenneT ranksamong Europe's top 5 TSOs and works closely with governments, NGOs, trading partners and investors all over the world. Our aim is to ensure that essential high-voltage infrastructure is developed, realized and managed efficiently, now and in the future. This covers onshore and off-shore grids as well as cross-border interconnections. We are keen to pursue the development of a North West European electricity market.
Following the overall IT and sourcing strategy, TenneT IT has started a transformation process coming from 2 separate country departments to a truly international and business oriented organization. With respect to the overall strategic approach (explained further below) the tender will be an international tender, affecting both TenneT TSO B.V. (TenneT Netherlands) and TenneT TSO GmbH (TenneT Germany).
In 2015 TenneT has developed a new IT strategy within the ConnectIT program, the implementation of which has recently been started. Part of the strategy is also the following TenneT vision on sourcing:
‘To organize the knowledge and expertise optimally to ensure high quality IT solutions with short time to market in an efficient way, we outsource non-core tasks and in-source core tasks.’
As TenneT first and foremost is and always will be an energy transporter, not an IT organisation, non-core tasks are not directly contributing to the main task of energy transport.
Core tasks are characterized by their relationship to TenneTs core business activities (e.g. energy transport,control the power grid, interact on the energy market).
The future outsourcing contract for AMS shall be a major enabler for the realization of TenneT's IT strategy in the coming years. It shall provide sufficient flexibility to incorporate additional volumes and take over non-core services on the 1 hand — and it shall support TenneT in the stepwise shift of core-IT related operations to TenneT's own facilities on the other hand.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-07-29. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-06-27.



Datum Document
2016-06-27 Aankondiging van een opdracht