Development and delivery of Monobloc wheels for Trains
At the moment most of the trains of NS (Dutch Railways) are equipped with tyred wheels.
NS has decided to replace these tyred wheels by monobloc wheels for these types of Trains.
For the implementation NedTrain, the maintenance company of NS, is searching for Candidates who are able to develop and deliver monobloc wheels as a replacement for the tyred wheels.
The total quantity of monobloc wheels what's needed is approximately 16 000 pieces in total, divided into several types, in a period of 5 (five) years.
NedTrain intends to conclude two identical contracts with the same heterogeneity and differing only in portion size with 2 (two) suppliers for a period of 5 (five) years, with 1 (one) options to extend both agreements for another period of 5 (five) years.
The total quantity of approximately 16 000 pieces must be supplied by the 2 suppliers together.
The winner of the Tender will be awarded 60 % of the total volume of the monobloc wheels and the number 2 will be awarded the remaining 40 % of the volume.
Both suppliers must be able and willing to manufacture and deliver all variants of monobloc wheels.
No rights can be derived from this quantities or figures.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-05-27.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-04-22.
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