The V-Con project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Road Authorities by improving open data exchange in the civil infrastructure sector, with a focus on road construction and road asset management. V-Con looks for the development of IT-solutions which shall enable integration of various tools and open standards that are used throughout the whole life cycle of the road infrastructure in a vendor-neutral fashion. The tools and standards may concern areas such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geographical Information System (GIS) and Systems Engineering (SE).
Via a so called Pre-Commercial Procurement Procedure V-Con challenges the market to submit their ideas for the development of their solutions. With this three phase procedure the solutions will be developed from an initial idea to a market ready solution in 2 years' time.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-04-23.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-03-12.
Award Aankondiging (2018-10-05) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Naam: Rijkswaterstaat Grote Projecten en Onderhoud (GPO) on behalf of Trafikverket
Nationaal registratienummer: 361633343
Postadres: Griffioenlaan 2
Poststad: Utrecht
Postcode: 3526 LA
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Contactpersoon: E.A.J. Balkenende
Telefoon: +31 651380208๐
E-mail: aanbestedingsteam-gww@rws.nl๐ง
Regio: Nederland๐๏ธ
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: 31104294: V-Con Pre-Commercial Procurement 2015
Producten/diensten: Onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โThe V-Con project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Road Authorities by improving open data exchange in the civil...โ
Korte beschrijving
The V-Con project aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the National Road Authorities by improving open data exchange in the civil infrastructure sector, with a focus on road construction and road asset management. V-Con looks for the development of IT-solutions which shall enable integration of various tools and open standards that are used throughout the whole life cycle of the road infrastructure in a vendor-neutral fashion. The tools and standards may concern areas such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geographical Information System (GIS) and Systems Engineering (SE).
Via a so called Pre-Commercial Procurement Procedure V-Con challenges the market to submit their ideas for the development of their solutions. With this 3 phase procedure the solutions will be developed from an initial idea to a market ready solution in 2 yearsโ time.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Diensten voor ontwikkeling van IT-software๐ฆ
Aanvullende producten/diensten: IT-diensten: adviezen, softwareontwikkeling, internet en ondersteuning๐ฆ
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Onderzoek en ontwikkeling, en aanverwante adviezen๐ฆ
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Software en informatiesystemen๐ฆ
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: The Netherlands and Sweden
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding: Information is available in several tender documents.
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Nvt
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): geen
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Kwaliteit
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 0
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 100
Prijs (weging): 100
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Informatie over de fondsen van de Europese Unie: V-Con
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2015/S 053-092769
Gunning van het contract
1๏ธโฃ Informatie over niet-toekenning
Andere redenen (stopzetting van de procedure)
Aanvullende informatie Aanvullende informatie
Procedure is in 2017 afgerond.
Naam: Rechtbank te 's-Gravenhage
Poststad: 's-Gravenhage
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Bron: OJS 2018/S 194-439809 (2018-10-05)