Organisation of information and communication activities, including radio broadcasts, for the European Commission Representation in the Netherlands

Directorate-General for Communication, European Commission Representation in the Netherlands

Organisation of information and communication activities, including radio broadcasts, for the European Commission Representation in the Netherlands:
โ€” lot 1 โ€” information and communication events on 'A new narrative for Europe',
โ€” lot 2 โ€” national radio broadcast shows on various current European topics,
โ€” lot 3 โ€” information and communication events on 'EU economic governance'.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-08-28. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-07-07.

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Datum Document
2014-07-07 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2014-12-22 Award Aankondiging