Leverancier: Traffic IT Services B.V.

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Historisch gezien zijn concurrerende bieders Cellint Traffic Solutions en Connection Systems B.V..

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Traffic IT Services B.V. wordt genoemd

2015-02-02   NDW Framework Agreement for the Supply of Traffic Data (Nationale Databank Wegverkeersgegevens (NDW))
The procurement of real-time traffic data involves various kinds of data, such as point speeds, intensity levels, travel times, vehicle categories, etc. There are different technologies available for this, which vary in terms of their maturity and the quality of the data they produce. Real-time traffic data can be obtained for example by means of loops, cameras, infrared detectors, radar, Bluetooth technology, in-car systems, etc. The data can also be supplied in the form of Floating Car Data (FCD). โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Cellint Traffic Solutions Connection Systems B.V. Traffic IT Services B.V.