Leverancier: Interoute Communications Ltd

Eén gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Interoute Communications Ltd is van oudsher een leverancier van post- en telecommunicatiediensten, telecommunicatiediensten en telefoon- en datatransmissiediensten.
Historisch gezien zijn concurrerende bieders CenturyLink Communications NL B.V., CenturyLinkCommunications NL B.V. en Melita Ltd.

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Interoute Communications Ltd wordt genoemd

2018-08-09   Managed Connectivity 2018 (Géant​ Vereniging)
Network routes within the GÉANT network are continually monitored to ensure that they are adequate for their use, are competitively priced and are under Contracts that comply with the Public Procurement Regulations. This procurement exercise invites offers on a range of routes through an Open Procedure, as set out within the tender documents. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: CenturyLink Communications NL B.V. CenturyLinkCommunications NL B.V. Interoute Communications Ltd Melita Ltd