Leverancier: Hilton, The Hague

Eรฉn gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Hilton, The Hague is van oudsher een leverancier van diensten voor hotel, restaurant en detailhandel, kantine- en cateringdiensten en cateringdiensten.
Historisch gezien zijn concurrerende bieders Boenk van der Linde Catering, House of Lords en Maison van den Boer BV.

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Hilton, The Hague wordt genoemd

2014-01-07   Provision of catering services and associated venue services for Eurojust (Eurojust)
The scope of this procurement procedure is the provision of catering (banqueting) services and associated venue services for Eurojust. In order to ensure the fulfilment of its assigned core business tasks, Eurojust foresees organising several strategic seminars and meetings in the next 4 years (around 24 meetings in total) and these meetings are planned to be held in The Hague, outside of the premises of Eurojust. Therefore, Eurojust wants to engage external caterers, who are also able to manage โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Boenk van der Linde Catering Hilton, The Hague House of Lords Maison van den Boer BV