Leverancier: Fair and Sustainable Consulting

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Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Fair and Sustainable Consulting wordt genoemd

2020-10-29   Experts (International and Local) for Market System Development, Institutional Development and Business Export... (Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO))
The tender document at hand contains information regarding this invitation to tender conducted in accordance with the European open procedure for the CBI project in the Tourism sector in Jordan for four different types of consultants: 1) A Market System Development consultant; 2) An International Business Export Coaching consultant; 3) An Institutional (sector) Development consultant, and; 4) A Local consultant for Institutional Development. To support the creation of a durable service delivery system in โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Acorn Tourism Consulting Ltd Blue Skies Consultancy Group Fair and Sustainable Consulting Stichting European Centre for Eco and...