Leverancier: Compagnie Européenne d'Intelligence Stratégique

Eén gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Compagnie Européenne d'Intelligence Stratégique is van oudsher een leverancier van onderzoek en ontwikkeling, en aanverwante adviezen en o&O-diensten voor beveiligings- en defensiematerialen.

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Compagnie Européenne d'Intelligence Stratégique wordt genoemd

2014-06-05   Study for the composition of an inventory of critical raw materials used in the EU defence sector (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The aim of the study will be to compose an inventory of raw materials that are used by the EU defence sector, including air-, land- and sea-based platforms; weapons (air-launched, infantry and naval); and communications (satellite, etc). The study shall in particular take into account the list of materials identified in both the RMI and the JRC studies. Furthermore, other materials that have been recognised by the defence sector itself, such as super alloys, special grades (high purity) of materials, … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Compagnie Européenne d'Intelligence Stratégique