2021-07-09   LIFE19 MIBA Filler Pilot: Wet Mills for approx 700 kg/h DS IBA (Blue Phoenix Group)
This project aims to demonstrate a breakthrough climate-change mitigation technology for the concrete industry by replacing cement with a low-carbon binder. The EU is subsidising the first demonstration plant under the project name LIFE MIBA Filler. The laboratory-scale research has resulted in a process flow diagram which we want to upscale in this MIBA Filler pilot plant (demo phase I) before having a full-scale demonstration plant (demo phase II). Hereto we invite companies to submit their quotations โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
2011-07-18   Hammermill Hemweg (Nuon Power Generation B.V.)
Nuon is currently developing a biomass co-firing installation for its existing pulverized coal power plant, Hemweg 08 (HW08), in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (further: plant). The project encompasses the development of all facilities required for co-firing 14 % e/e biomass in HW08 (Phase 1). The biomass is clean wood in the form of pellets only (white pellets). In the future employer will expand the plant capacity to 28 % e/e biomass co-firing (phase 2). The plant is designed for phase 1, those parts of โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Geldof