2017-10-06Onshore Maintenance and Service Works for Prinses Alexia (N.V. Nuon Energy)
This Tender concerns the provision of support services for Onshore Maintenance and Service Works for Prinses Alexia Wind Farm including but not limited to scheduled maintenance and unscheduled maintenance, as well as additional services such as provision of additional personnel, main component exchange and major repairs, provision of Parts. The goal of this tender is to enter into a contract with 1 or 2 parties for the term of 2 years with option to prolong the agreement for a period of 1 more year.
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2017-08-02Gearbox supply and refurbishment Prinses Amaliawindpark (Eneco Windmolens Offshore B.V.)
The anticipated scope of work of the Candidate comprises of providing gearboxes for the purpose of exchange on the WTGs in Prinses Amaliawindpark. This includes maintaining a stock/pool of 3 to 4 gearboxes and additional supply of up to 2 gearboxes per campaign.
The total number of gearboxes that are expected to be replaced (within the 5 year contract period) is 24-40 gearboxes.
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2016-03-07Balance of Plant Nuon Windpark Wieringermeer (Nuon Windpark Wieringermeer B.V.)
The scope of work of this tender: Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the Balance of Plant which includes project management, design, engineering, procurement and construction of access roads, crane hard stands, wind turbine foundations, internal grid, terminations including those to the public grid and substations for the Nuon Windpark Wieringermeer.
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2014-05-22Inspection and maintenance for balance of plant for two Dutch offshore wind farms (N.V. Eneco Beheer)
The offshore wind farms Prinses Amaliawindpark (operational since July 2008) and Eneco Luchterduinen (anticipated start of operational phase: mid 2015) require inspection and maintenance of its Balance of Plant. The Balance of Plant is for this tender defined as the wind turbine foundations and the OHVS foundation (below and above water and primary and secondary steel and cathodic protection), the outside steel structure of the OHVS topside, scour protection, infield and export cable. The philosophy of …
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2013-11-28Wind Turbine Generator Package (Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S)
Vattenfall intents to participate in the call for bids for the concession of offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3 concession, led by the DEA [Danish Energy Agency]. This wind farm will have a capacity of maximum 400 MW and will consist of foundations, wind turbine generators and inter array cables.
The total scope of works of this tender includes the design, engineering, manufacturing, fabrication, supply, installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance of the offshore wind turbine generators for the …
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