Aanbestedingen: Repatriation and Departure Service

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Recente aankopen door Repatriation and Departure Service

2016-04-21   Tender ERIN Specific Action Project (Repatriation and Departure Service)
In brief, the Services to be carried out imply offering assistance, in the form of advice/information/counselling, and referral, to returnees when they return to their own country. For this purpose, the contracting party/parties must have a broad network for each lot with regard to repatriation and re-integration, whereby the aim is to enable these foreign nationals to re-integrate and build up their life again after returning to their country. For some tender documents is a translation made in Spanish, … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Caritas International VZW International Organisation for Migration Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos Quanzhou New Home Social Work Service Centre