Aanbestedingen: Ministery of Defence

2 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

Recente aankopen door Ministery of Defence

2019-12-20   Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) (Ministery of Defence)
The Defence Materiel Organisation is demanding Designated Marksman Rifles capable of using 260 Remington ammunition, including this ammunition and additional items such as spare parts, training and documentation. Please find requirements to participate in this tender under โ€˜surveysโ€™. After evaluation of the requests to participate of the candidates in relation to the requirements, the award phase will start with only those candidates that will be selected to receive the program of requirements and other โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
2019-08-07   Flatbed Railway Wagons with Lowered Floor (Ministery of Defence)
At present the Joint Support Command (DOSCO) rents 55 LAADS 800Bโ€™s for the transportation of high profile vehicles. The past years DOSCO encountered increasing problems with the availability of these specific flatbed railway wagons due to the stressed marked situation created by joined exercises abroad. The demand for this specific wagon is higher than the available rental fleet during these situations, resulting in significant problems for DOSCO as well as other countries in need of this wagon. To โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป