Aanbestedingen: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten

2 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten is van oudsher een koper van radio-, televisie-, communicatie-, telecommunicatietoestellen en aanverwante apparatuur, zendapparatuur voor radiotelefonie, radiotelegrafie, radio-omroep en televisie en mobiele telefoons.
Historisch gezien zijn de leveranciers van European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten Berlitz School of Languages BV en Berlitz Schools of Languages BV.

Recente aankopen door European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten

2017-10-31   Framework service contract for the organisation of language courses at the JRC-Petten site divided in 2 lots (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten)
The organisation of language courses at the JRC-Petten site divided in 2 lots: โ€” lot 1: weekly and intensive Dutch language courses, โ€” lot 2: weekly and intensive English, French and German language courses. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Berlitz School of Languages BV Berlitz Schools of Languages BV
2017-03-09   Framework contract for the supply of mobile telephony and related data services for the JRC Petten (Netherlands) (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R โ€” Resources (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Resource Management Petten)
Establish a new contract for the provisions of mobile telephony and data services, inclusive of support and associated services. The contract includes the possibility of the purchase/rental of mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, tablets). Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป