Aanbestedingen: CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries)

11 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

Recente aankopen door CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries)

2015-01-05   Tender experts BSOD Asia (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
CBI contributes to sustainable economic development in developing countries through the expansion of exports from these countries. This is done by offering an integrated approach of different intervention types, targeting SME exporters from developing countries, European importers, Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and governmental authorities. With this tender procedure CBI wishes to select and contract experts that can contribute to the institutional development of organizations in developing … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-12-14   Tender experts Cut Flowers (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-11-06   Tender experts Wine (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-09-19   Tender experts Garments (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-08-04   Tender experts Home Decoration and Home Textiles (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-08-04   Tender experts South Africa (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-08-04   Tender Expert Aquaculture (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-08-03   Tender experts IT Outsourcing (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Through the CBI Export Development and Promotion Programmes, CBI works in selected potential export value chains, with the objective to create a sustainable and inclusive export increase. The programmes usually cover a period of several years in which we improve the export competitiveness of small and medium exporters in developing countries through tailored interventions at company and institutional level. The programmes are designed for specific market sectors and affect the full value chain of … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: GPI Consultancy Prodea Consulting Vogelaar Beheer B.V.
2014-08-01   Tender CBI Market Researchers — tender for market researchers for the development of market intelligence products (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
CBI is looking for market researchers with highly analytical and professional skills to interpret and analyse trends, developments and foresights for the target groups of CBI. The scope of this open procedure is a framework agreement with suppliers specialized in various parts (lots) of Market Intelligence. See the lot titles below for an overview of all sectors for which market researchers will be contracted and the estimated total value per lot (calculated for a period of a 4 years). CBI develops … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2012-07-25   Europese aanbesteding voor de diensten op het gebied van projectmanagement beursdeelnames CBI (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
Het CBI wenst raamovereenkomsten af te sluiten met meerdere partijen. Deze opdrachtnemers zullen de door het CBI aan te wijzen partijen uit ontwikkelingslanden begeleiden en ondersteunen bij hun deelname aan een of meerdere beurzen in Europa. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: De Caboceer / NextNovelty Business Events Phaff Export Marketing B.V. Stichting Nederlands Centrum voor... Westland ITL B.V.
2012-02-14   Market Researchers (CBI (Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries))
CBI intends to start with a new way of developing and distributing market intelligence products. A first pilot to realize these products has just been executed. The products will be developed according the to the results of this pilot. CBI wants to continue this evolution for the next 2 years with an option for an extension of 1 year, in order to develop a complete set of products for market intelligence for which suppliers will to be invited to submit a tender. For this development phase CBI is … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Crem B.V Facts Figures Future Global Intelligence Alliance Benelux B.V. Landbouw Economisch Instituut Profound