The scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which has the ability to perform the cyclic experiments with different frequencies up to 200Hz. The setup will be used for research and education in the Structural Engineering Department (SE) of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The testing equipment will be used by technicians, PostDocs, PhDs, MSc and BSc students.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2023-11-24.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2023-10-09.
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: High-frequency dynamic axial test machine
Producten/diensten: Wetenschappelijk-technische simulator voor onderzoek en testen๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โThe scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which...โ
Korte beschrijving
The scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which has the ability to perform the cyclic experiments with different frequencies up to 200Hz. The setup will be used for research and education in the Structural Engineering Department (SE) of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The testing equipment will be used by technicians, PostDocs, PhDs, MSc and BSc students.
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โThe scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The scope of the procurement is the delivery of an axial tensile and compression test machine which is able to perform static and cyclic experiments. Which has the ability to perform the cyclic experiments with different frequencies up to 200Hz. The setup will be used for research and education in the Structural Engineering Department (SE) of the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). The testing equipment will be used by technicians, PostDocs, PhDs, MSc and BSc students.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 12
Informatie over opties
Opties โ
Beschrijving van de opties: - Climate chamber;
- Maintenance after the warranty period.
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2023-11-24
12:00 ๐
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels ๐ฃ๏ธ
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2023-11-24
12:00 ๐
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Rechtbank Den Haag
Poststad: Den Haag
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Herzieningsprocedure
Precieze informatie over de termijn(en) voor herzieningsprocedures: 20 days
Bron: OJS 2023/S 198-620021 (2023-10-09)