Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The GCA recognizes the highly localized nature of climate impacts; the importance of local adaptation action; the potential and creativity of communities to develop locally appropriate and innovative solutions; the ownership benefits of locally led action; and the strong need for accountability to poor and marginalized communities affected by climate change. The GCA’s Global Hub on Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) aims to address barriers to accelerating and scaling up LLA.
As part of the activities of the Global Hub, the GCA launched the Local Adaptation Champions (LAC) Awards in 2022.The Awards aim to spotlight and reward innovative, exemplary, inspiring, and scalable locally led efforts that address the impacts of climate change and build effective climate resilience among the most vulnerable communities, sections of society, and individuals who are at the frontlines of the greatest existential threat faced by humankind. They are open to any individual, organization or group of partners worldwide, who have implemented or are in the process of implementing climate change adaptation/resilience solutions that follow one of the eight principles for locally led adaptation.
Through the Awards, GCA aims to:
Recognize the critical contribution of locally-led adaptation and resilience building efforts.
Drive political commitment for LLA at the global, national, and local levels.
Learn from locally-led efforts, to inform policy and governance across scales.
Nurture and support replication/scaling up of successful and innovative LLA efforts, by creating opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing of knowledge, learning, and experiences across borders; identifying opportunities for scaling up; and brokering partnerships.
Contribute to ongoing LLA efforts through cash awards.
Contribute to knowledge acceleration and high-level advocacy to identify LLA best practices, enhance the quality and quantity of finance for LLA, and scale up LLA through mainstreaming and effective partnerships and networks.
Entries will be welcome from all government and non-government, private and public, and profit and non-profit agencies working on LLA efforts.