20180596- Laser Warning Receiver System

Ministerie van Defensie

The Contracting Authority hereby invites you to submit a Request for participation in tendering for
the delivery of Laser Warning Receiver System on board the ASWF
The tendering procedure will be conducted as a Restricted Procedure pursuant to the Dutch Defence and Security Procurement Act (ADV).
The procedure will be conducted fully electronically via the Negometrix online tendering platform. Further information regarding the use of Negometrix.
The Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium intend to replace their four (4) multifunctional frigates of the Karel Doorman class, the Multipurpose Frigates. The Netherlands is the lead nation for this replacement programme, also acting on behalf of and for the account of Belgium. The replacement programme of the four (4) Multipurpose frigates is called Anti-
Submarine Warfare Frigates (ASWF). The replacement programme will replace the two (2)
Netherlands and two (2) Belgian Multipurpose frigates from 2027 onwards. The procurement of four (4) LWR's is part of this programme and the subject of this tendering procedure.
The Contract involves the delivery of 4x Laser Warning Receiver system(LWR) including ILS, spareparts for 2 years, initital training, maintenance products and assistance with setting to work, harbour and sea acceptance trails.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2023-03-07. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2023-01-31.




Datum Document
2023-01-31 Aankondiging van een opdracht