University Medical Center Groningen
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands. It is also the largest employer in the north of the Netherlands. The UMCG has more than 12,000 staff, who work in patient care and leading academic research, with a focus on healthy and active ageing. In the fields of teaching and research, the UMCG works closely with the University of Groningen. Each year, approximately 3,400 students train as doctors, dentists or movement scientists. Patients attend the UMCG for highly specialized diagnosis, examination or treatment. All patients in the north of the Netherlands who have complicated or unusual disorders are eventually referred to the UMCG. High-quality care is always based on the latest insights, and is provided by the best doctors and nurses. Together with support staff, in their day-to-day work they focus on achieving a single, shared goal: building the future of health.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2022-04-14.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2022-02-28.
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: The purchase of Magnets for the Beam Line
Producten/diensten: Laboratoriuminstrumenten, optische en precisie-instrumenten (uitgezonderd brillen)๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โUniversity Medical Center Groningen
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands. It is also the...โ
Korte beschrijving
University Medical Center Groningen
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands. It is also the largest employer in the north of the Netherlands. The UMCG has more than 12,000 staff, who work in patient care and leading academic research, with a focus on healthy and active ageing. In the fields of teaching and research, the UMCG works closely with the University of Groningen. Each year, approximately 3,400 students train as doctors, dentists or movement scientists. Patients attend the UMCG for highly specialized diagnosis, examination or treatment. All patients in the north of the Netherlands who have complicated or unusual disorders are eventually referred to the UMCG. High-quality care is always based on the latest insights, and is provided by the best doctors and nurses. Together with support staff, in their day-to-day work they focus on achieving a single, shared goal: building the future of health.
Toon meer Informatie over kavels
Voor alle partijen kunnen offertes worden ingediend
1๏ธโฃ Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Eight quadrupole magnets for the IMPACT beam line
Identificatienummer van de partij: 1
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Laboratoriuminstrumenten, optische en precisie-instrumenten (uitgezonderd brillen)๐ฆ
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โThe subject of these specifications is the design, manufacturing, inspection, testing and delivery of eight (8) identical quadrupole magnets with support...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The subject of these specifications is the design, manufacturing, inspection, testing and delivery of eight (8) identical quadrupole magnets with support and accessories that will become part of a charged particle beam line, as described in this document. Supplier shall check these specifications for possible conflicts between statements in the "General specifications" and the "Technical specifications". These conflicts shall be resolved before signing the contract.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 12
Aanvullende informatie
2๏ธโฃ Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: One scanmagnet for the IMPACT beam line
Identificatienummer van de partij: 2
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โThe subject of these specifications is the design, manufacturing, inspection, testing and delivery of a magnet to scan a charged particle beam over a...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The subject of these specifications is the design, manufacturing, inspection, testing and delivery of a magnet to scan a charged particle beam over a surface in both transverse directions (designated as scanmagnet in the remainder of this document) and accessories that will become part of a charged particle beam line, as described in this document. Supplier shall check these specifications for possible conflicts between statements in the "General specifications" and the "Technical specifications". These conflicts shall be resolved before signing the contract.
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2022-04-14
13:00 ๐
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels ๐ฃ๏ธ
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2022-04-14
13:00 ๐
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Rechtbank Noord Nederland
Poststad: Groningen
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
E-mail: anniekbrouwers@hotmail.com๐ง Voor bemiddelingsprocedures verantwoordelijke instantie
Naam: Rechtbank Noord Nederland
Poststad: Groningen
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Dienst waar informatie over de beroepsprocedure kan worden verkregen
Naam: Rechtbank Noord Nederland
Poststad: Groningen
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Bron: OJS 2022/S 045-113903 (2022-02-28)
Award Aankondiging (2022-07-28) Object Informatie over kavels
Dit contract is verdeeld in percelen โ Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Procedure Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2022/S 045-113903
Gunning van het contract
1๏ธโฃ Informatie over niet-toekenning
Er zijn geen offertes of verzoeken tot deelneming ontvangen of ze zijn allemaal afgewezen
Bron: OJS 2022/S 147-420259 (2022-07-28)