Procurement of X-ray systems 300 kV and 450 kV for EOD purposes

Ministerie van Defensie

This tender concerns the procurement of the following:
- The delivery including installation of a quantity of 1 each mobile
300 kV X-ray system set + 1 each 450 kV X-ray system set +
initial spares package, documentation, calibration software,
firmware/software updates, and training.
The system will be used for Explosive Ordnance Device
examinations by the EOD department.
- A Framework Maintenance and Training Agreement with a
duration of 5 calendar years after mutual signing the Agreement
+ 2 options for extending the period of performance of the
Agreement with another calendar year each.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2022-03-31. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2022-02-28.

De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:


Datum Document
2022-02-28 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2022-12-20 Award Aankondiging