Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Ministerie van Defensie

This procurement concerns the delivery and maintenance of Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (acronym: C-UAS)
The Netherland Armed Forces are looking for a modular capacity that include the following means and functions:
• Means for Detection
• Means for Classification
• Means for Identification
• Means for Neutralization
• Command and control
The term modular is used to describe that the system is expandable with new modules or that old modules easily can be replaced. This modular approach is facilitated by a robust and flexible command & control (C2), that enables communication between the system and its subsystems, sensors and effectors and that supports the operator in performing his/her tasks. More detailed information can be found in the Selection Guide.
This European tendering procedure will be conducted as a Restricted Procedure pursuant to the Dutch Defence and Security Procurement Act (Directive 2009/81/EC).

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2022-03-14. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2022-02-10.

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Datum Document
2022-02-10 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2023-08-24 Award Aankondiging