Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
Working under the direct supervision of the assigned project managers from both the GCA and the Ministry of Budget and the Ministry of Finance of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the firm will undertake the tasks listed hereafter.
All tasks should consider the different forms of climate change response (i.e. climate change mitigation, adaptation, resilience, cross-cutting, other), however, particular attention should be given to climate adaptation and resilience during the execution of the work.
The outline of the study will be agreed in advance with GCA, but will cover the following elements:
a) Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR)
(i) Develop a methodology, work plan and inception report.
(ii) National policy, institutional, budgetary and expenditure analysis
(iii) Local governments analysis
b) Climate Expenditure classification, coding and climate budget tagging system
(i) Identify the scope, coverage, criteria and methodological approaches for developing a climate expenditure classification and coding system, based on the international best practices.
(ii) Conduct focus group discussion with the relevant Ministries and other relevant stakeholders on the development of the model for classification of climate change-related expenditures, the calculation of Climate Change Budget Integration and work out the approach for weighing the climate change relevance of certain programs under public, private and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) expenditure
(iii) Develop a mechanism on how climate expenditures will be defined, classified, weighted, coded and tagged in the International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) Cash Budgeting process and Integrated Financial Management Systems (IFMIS)
(iv) Develop a Climate relevance expenditure classification, coding and budget tagging system including purpose and setting of models, technical and implementation design automation within the budgeting and accounting systems or not; phased approach used or not; and the scope, design and frequency of reports, formats and other data outputs to be generated
(v) Review the IPSAS, IFMIS and identify integration entry points for the implementation of the classification, coding and tagging model developed
(vi) Present for validation the proposed Climate Expenditure classification, coding and budget tagging system during a workshop with participation of key stakeholders
(vii) Submit the Climate Expenditure classification, coding and budget tagging system for the country and
(viii) Provide on-the-job support to the key ministries in application of the suggested Climate Budget Tagging (CBT) model, including the preparation of budget reports on climate change finance.
c) Coordination Mechanism for Climate Expenditure Classification Coding and Budget Tagging System
(i) Undertake desk study on international best practices for Institutional arrangements and coordination mechanism for implementation of climate expenditure classification, coding and Budget Tagging systems (CBT)
(ii) Review and assess the IPSAS, IFMIS and identify opportunities and potential challenges for implementing a CBT system
(iii) Conduct stakeholder consultations and assess existing climate finance tracking coordination mechanisms in the country
(iv) Recommend elements of the CBT Model and propose roles and responsibilities for identified institutions for implementation of CBT including the hosting of the system, the tagging process and entry points for implementation of the model
(v) Recommend on effective coordination mechanisms for CBT taking into account international best practices and existing coordination mechanisms in the country
(vi) Undertake validation of the proposed institutional and coordination arrangements for the CBT and
vii. Conduct training on the validated institutional and coordination mechanisms for the CBT.
The team of consultants will work collaboratively a task team set up by the Government of DRC.