GVB intends to replace its current public transport chip card validators in trams and buses with new validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more functionality for GVB travelers than the current validators. The new validators must, in addition to the public transport chip card, also support Barcode and EMV.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2020-04-06.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2020-02-18.
De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Validators for Trams and Buses GVB
Producten/diensten: Toegangscontrolesysteem๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โGVB intends to replace its current public transport chip card validators in trams and buses with new validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more...โ
Korte beschrijving
GVB intends to replace its current public transport chip card validators in trams and buses with new validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more functionality for GVB travelers than the current validators. The new validators must, in addition to the public transport chip card, also support Barcode and EMV.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Vervoersmaterieel en bijbehorende producten๐ฆ
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Software en informatiesystemen๐ฆ
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Amsterdam
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops. This concerns approximately 4 000 Validators (for appr. 500 vehicles);
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the schedule of requirements;
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and buses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in the workshops;
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators;
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted by GVB;
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation;
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA;
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after final acceptation.
Deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 1.7.2021 it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that final acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later than 30.6.2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 30.6.2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 120
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Dit contract kan worden verlengd โ Beschrijving
Beschrijving van de verlengingen:
โ1) GVB has the possibility by means of the option to renew the agreement with (a) period(s) of minimal 1 to maximum 5 years. The total (maximum) contract...โ
Beschrijving van de verlengingen
1) GVB has the possibility by means of the option to renew the agreement with (a) period(s) of minimal 1 to maximum 5 years. The total (maximum) contract period will be 15 years;
2) The SLA can be prolonged after the duration of the agreement for as long as the validators are in use.
Toon meer Informatie over opties
Opties โ
Beschrijving van de opties:
โThe following options will be part of the contract:
1) Extending the agreement with the same terms and conditions after the expiry of the initial contract...โ
Beschrijving van de opties
The following options will be part of the contract:
1) Extending the agreement with the same terms and conditions after the expiry of the initial contract period for a maximum of 5 years (could be periods of 1 year);
2) Subsequent delivery and installation of additional validators for replacement purposes in the existing fleet or for new trams and/or buses GVB will purchase for the duration of the agreement. GVB prefers to have as few different types of validators as possible for its travellers. This makes it easier for travellers to use the validators. For this reason, GVB will include an option in the agreement that, for the duration of the agreement, additional quantities of validators may be ordered (and installed) if GVB requires them. These are in principle the same validators, but, if improvements have been realised with which GVB can agree and if the validator still complies with the requirements in the SoR with these changes, then this may also include a logical successor or improved version of the validator that was initially supplied. This delivery can either be directly to GVB or to the manufacturer of a new series of trams or buses for GVB;
3) Support to the manufacturer of new series of trams and buses for GVB, during development, installation and testing of the validators in those new trams or buses;
4) Further improvement of the delivered validators with regards to reliability and availability or by adding new functionalities or necessary functional modifications to the hardware or software;
5) Prolonging the service, management and maintenance (SMM) of the validators after the initial and extended duration of the agreement, for as long as the validators are in use by GVB.
Toon meer Beschrijving
Aanvullende informatie: See tendering guideline.
Juridische, economische, financiรซle en technische informatie Voorwaarden voor deelname
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen:
โThe tenderer must be registered in one of the professional or commercial registers maintained in the member state of establishment as referred to in annex...โ
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen
The tenderer must be registered in one of the professional or commercial registers maintained in the member state of establishment as referred to in annex XI of Directive 2014/24/EU.
Toon meer Economische en financiรซle draagkracht
Selectiecriteria zoals vermeld in de aanbestedingsdocumenten
Technische en professionele bekwaamheid
Selectiecriteria zoals vermeld in de aanbestedingsdocumenten
Voorwaarden voor deelname
Vereiste deposito's en garanties: See tendering guideline.
Belangrijkste financieringsvoorwaarden en betalingsregelingen en/of verwijzing naar de relevante bepalingen die daarop van toepassing zijn: See tendering guideline.
Rechtsvorm van de combinatie van ondernemers aan wie de opdracht wordt gegund: See tendering guideline.
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2020-04-06
15:00 ๐
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels ๐ฃ๏ธ
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Minimumtermijn gedurende welke de inschrijver de offerte gestand moet doen: 3
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2020-04-06
15:01 ๐
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes (plaats): Amsterdam.
Aanvullende informatie Aanvullende informatie
See tendering guideline.
Naam: Rechtbank Amsterdam
Postadres: Parnassusweg 220
Poststad: Amsterdam
Postcode: 1076 AV
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Dienst waar informatie over de beroepsprocedure kan worden verkregen
Naam: Rechtbank Amsterdam
Poststad: Amsterdam
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Bron: OJS 2020/S 037-088496 (2020-02-18)
Aanvullende inlichtingen (2020-03-26) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Validators for Trams and Busses GVB
Korte beschrijving:
โGVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard validators in trams and busses with new validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more...โ
Korte beschrijving
GVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard validators in trams and busses with new validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more functionality for GVB travelers than the current validators. The new validators must, in addition to the public transport chip card, also support Barcode and EMV.
Aanvullende informatie Referentie oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Nummer van het bericht in het PB S: 2020/S 037-088496
Wijzigingen In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: (1) Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
Oude waarde
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as...โ
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops.. This concerns approximately 4 000 validators (for appr. 500 vehicles).
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the Schedule of Requirements.
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and busses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in de workshops.
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators.
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted by GVB.
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation.
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA.
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after final acceptation.
Deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 1 July 2021 it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that Final Acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later than 30 June 2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 30 June 2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as...โ
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses, as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops. This concerns approximately 4 000 validators (for appr. 500 vehicles).
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the Schedule of Requirements.
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and busses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in de workshops.
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators.
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted by GVB.
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation.
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA.
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after final acceptation.
Deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 1 September 2021 at the latest it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that final acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later than 31 August 2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 31 August 2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.1)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Nummer van de aankondiging in het PB S
Lege oude waarde
Nieuwe waarde
Tekst: 2020/S 037-088496
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.2)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Termijn voor ontvangst van inschrijvingen of deelnemingsaanvragen
Oude waarde
Datum: 2020-04-06 ๐
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2020-05-06 ๐
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.7)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Omstandigheden waarin de inschrijvingen worden geopend
Oude waarde
Datum: 2020-04-06 ๐
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2020-05-06 ๐
Bron: OJS 2020/S 063-151697 (2020-03-26)
Aanvullende inlichtingen (2020-05-29) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
โGVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard Validators in trams and busses with new Validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more...โ
Korte beschrijving
GVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard Validators in trams and busses with new Validators (approximately 4 000 pc), with more functionality for GVB travelers than the current Validators. The new validators must, in addition to the public transport chip card, also support Barcode and EMV.
Wijzigingen In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Description of the procurement:
Oude waarde
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new Validators in trams and buses, as...โ
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new Validators in trams and buses, as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops.. This concerns approximately 4 000 Validators (for appr. 500 vehicles).
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the Schedule of Requirements.
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and busses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in de workshops.
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators.
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted by GVB.
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation.
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA.
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after Final Acceptation.
Deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 1 July 2021 it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that Final Acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later than 30 June 2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 30 June 2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the Agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new Validators in trams and buses, as...โ
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new Validators in trams and buses, as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops.. This concerns approximately 4 000 Validators (for appr. 500 vehicles).
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the schedule of requirements.
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and busses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in de workshops.
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators.
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted by GVB.
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation.
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA.
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after Final Acceptation.
(Adjusted part op description) deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 16 December 2021 at the latest it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that Final Acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later than 15 December 2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 15 December 2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.1)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Previous publication concerning this procedure
Lege oude waarde
Nieuwe waarde
Tekst: 2020/S 063-151697
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.2)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Oude waarde
Datum: 2020-04-06 ๐
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2020-09-07 ๐
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.7)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Conditions for opening of tenders
Oude waarde
Datum: 2020-04-06 ๐
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2020-09-07 ๐
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: VI.3)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Additional information:
Oude waarde
Tekst: See tendering guideline
Nieuwe waarde
โSee tendering guideline
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, GVB has postponed the tender and therefore the final date for submission of the tender and...โ
See tendering guideline
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, GVB has postponed the tender and therefore the final date for submission of the tender and the date for final acceptance of the contract. For details we refer to this adjusted notice and to the planning and the tendering guideline to be found on www.negometrix.com.
Toon meer
Bron: OJS 2020/S 106-258012 (2020-05-29)
Award Aankondiging (2021-02-09) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
โGVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard Validators in trams and busses with new validators, with more functionality for GVB travelers...โ
Korte beschrijving
GVB intends to replace its current public transport chipcard Validators in trams and busses with new validators, with more functionality for GVB travelers than the current validators. The new validators must, in addition to the public transport chip card, also support Barcode and EMV.
Toon meer Beschrijving
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Amsterdam.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โThe scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses,as...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The scope of the contract consists of:
A. Delivery (purchase of hardware, integration of software and installation) of new validators in trams and buses,as well as on the GVB test platform and the test locations in the workshops. This concerns approximately 4000 Validators (for appr. 500 vehicles);
B. Connecting the validators on the GIVA network in the vehicles. A detailed description of what GIVA is and what is to be expected can be found in the schedule of requirements;
C. Removing and disposing of the validators presently located in the trams and busses and on the test platform at the head office of GVB and the test locations in the workshops;
D. Initial delivery of spare validators (for stock GVB). This concerns approximately 200 validators;
E. Providing relevant training and/or instructions to GVB employees and if necessary third parties contracted byGVB;
F. Providing all relevant design, technical and maintenance documentation;
G. Organising and implementing the service management and maintenance (SMM) of (the hardware and software for) the validators, including delivery of SMM based on the (Concept-)SLA;
H. Delivery of service, management and maintenance (SMM) for an initial period of 10 years after final acceptation.
Deadline for delivery:
Partially due to agreements between GVB and its client the VervoersRegio Amsterdam (VRA), by 15 December 2021 it must be possible to travel with a barcode in all public transport in Amsterdam that GVB offers on the basis of the concession granted to it. This means that final acceptance of the scope elements A-G has to be completed no later then 15 December 2021. Because this date is of the greatest importance for GVB, the date of 15 December 2021 is a knockout and the lead time will be part of the qualitative award criteria and will be subject to a high penalty in the agreement in case the date is not met.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Design
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 50
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): MTBF and Operational stock
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 25
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Plan of approach
Prijs (weging): 40
Informatie over opties
Beschrijving van de opties:
โThe following options will be part of the contract:
1) Extending the agreement with the same terms and conditions after the expiry of the initial contract...โ
Beschrijving van de opties
The following options will be part of the contract:
1) Extending the agreement with the same terms and conditions after the expiry of the initial contract period fora maximum of 5 years (could be periods of 1 year);
2) Subsequent delivery and installation of additional validators for replacement purposes in the existing fleet or for new trams and/or buses GVB will purchase for the duration of the agreement. GVB prefers to haveas few different types of validators as possible for its travellers. This makes it easier for travellers to use the validators. For this reason, GVB will include an option in the agreement that, for the duration of the agreement,additional quantities of validators may be ordered (and installed) if GVB requires them. These are in principle the same validators, but, if improvements have been realised with which GVB can agree and if the validator still complies with the requirements in the SoR with these changes, then this may also include a logical successor or improved version of the validator that was initially supplied. This delivery can either be directly to GVB or to the manufacturer of a new series of trams or buses for GVB;
3) Support to the manufacturer of new series of trams and buses for GVB, during development, installation and testing of the validators in those new trams or buses;
4) Further improvement of the delivered validators with regards to reliability and availability or by adding new functionalities or necessary functional modifications to the hardware or software;
5) Prolonging the service, management and maintenance (SMM) of the validators after the initial and extended duration of the agreement, for as long as the validators are in use by GVB.
Procedure Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2020/S 037-088496
Gunning van het contract
Contractnummer: 1
Titel: Validators for Trams and Busses GVB
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2020-10-27 ๐
Informatie over aanbestedingen
Aantal ontvangen offertes: 9
Aantal inschrijvingen van KMO's: 4
Aantal inschrijvingen van inschrijvers uit andere EU-lidstaten: 6
Aantal inschrijvingen van inschrijvers uit niet-EU-lidstaten: 1
Aantal elektronisch ontvangen inschrijvingen: 9
Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Thales Transportation Systems B.V.
Nationaal registratienummer: 50907514
Postadres: Bestevaer 46
Poststad: Huizen
Postcode: 1271ZA
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Regio: Nederland๐๏ธ
De aannemer is een KMO
Prijs betaald voor voordelige aankopen exclusief BTW: EUR 5 900 000 ๐ฐ
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Recthbank Amsterdam
Voor bemiddelingsprocedures verantwoordelijke instantie
Naam: Rechtbank Amsterdam
Poststad: Amsterdam
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Herzieningsprocedure
Precieze informatie over de termijn(en) voor herzieningsprocedures: See tendering guideline.
Bron: OJS 2021/S 030-075388 (2021-02-09)