To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts technical inspections (so called ‘B-inspections’) every 48 hours on its fleet. These inspections are conducted manually by mechanics throughout the country. They patrol around each individual train and assess its technical status mainly visually. However, this method has its limitations. The professionalisation and optimisation of the maintenance process is necessary to meet current and future demands. Consequently, NS is seeking for a partner to develop, validate and to maintain a pantograph and bogie WSM system in the Dutch railway environment.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2020-04-21.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2020-03-20.
De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:
Aankondiging van een opdracht (2020-03-20) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Naam: NedTrain B.V.
Nationaal registratienummer: 41680548
Postadres: Stationshal 17
Poststad: Utrecht
Postcode: 3511CE
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Contactpersoon: Oguzhan Akdemir
Telefoon: +31 886713319📞
Regio: Nederland🏙️
URL:🌏 Communicatie
Documenten URL:🌏 Nadere informatie kan worden verkregen bij
“Questions can be asked on Ariba Sourcing. Access to Ariba can be requested by sending an email, including the contact details of your organisation, to...”
Questions can be asked on Ariba Sourcing. Access to Ariba can be requested by sending an email, including the contact details of your organisation, to
The tender must be submitted on Ariba Sourcing. Access can be requested by sending an email, including the contact details of your organisation, to
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Pantograph and Bogie Way Side Monitoring Systems
Producten/diensten: Diverse transportmiddelen en onderdelen📦
Korte beschrijving:
“To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts...”
Korte beschrijving
To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts technical inspections (so called ‘B-inspections’) every 48 hours on its fleet. These inspections are conducted manually by mechanics throughout the country. They patrol around each individual train and assess its technical status mainly visually. However, this method has its limitations. The professionalisation and optimisation of the maintenance process is necessary to meet current and future demands. Consequently, NS is seeking for a partner to develop, validate and to maintain a pantograph and bogie WSM system in the Dutch railway environment.
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland🏙️
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: The NETHERLANDS.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) commissioning phase: validating the WSM system at two locations in relation to...”
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) commissioning phase: validating the WSM system at two locations in relation to legislation requirements;
2) national roll-out: the supply of the WSM system to get a certain national coverage. The exact amount of locations is yet to be determined and will be disclosed in the RFP phase of this tender. The condition of starting this phase is based on the success of the commissioning phase.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Geschatte totale waarde exclusief BTW: EUR 10 000 000 💰
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 60
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Dit contract kan worden verlengd ✅ Beschrijving
Beschrijving van de verlengingen:
“The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with two 1 years with a supplier who is able to...”
Beschrijving van de verlengingen
The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with two 1 years with a supplier who is able to supply pantograph and bogie WSM systems at various locations in the Dutch railway environment.
Toon meer Informatie over opties
Opties ✅
Beschrijving van de opties: The contract can be extended with two 1 years.
Procedure Soort procedure
Procedure van gunning via onderhandelingen met voorafgaande oproep tot mededinging
Informatie over een raamovereenkomst of een dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Raamovereenkomst met één exploitant
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2020-04-21
13:00 📅
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels 🗣️
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Rechtbank Midden Nederland
Postadres: Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1
Poststad: Utrecht
Postcode: 3511 EX
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Bron: OJS 2020/S 059-142397 (2020-03-20)
Aanvullende inlichtingen (2020-03-26) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
“To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts...”
Korte beschrijving
To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts technical inspections (so called ‘B-inspections’) every 48 hours on its fleet. These inspections are conducted manually by mechanics throughout the country. They patrol around each individual train and assess its technical status mainly visually. However, this method has its limitations. The professionalisation and optimisation of the maintenance process is necessary to meet current and future demands. Consequently, NS is seeking for a partner to develop, validate and to maintain a pantograph and bogie wayside monitoring system in the Dutch railway environment.
Aanvullende informatie Referentie oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Nummer van het bericht in het PB S: 2020/S 059-142397
Wijzigingen In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.1.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Short description
Oude waarde
“To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts...”
To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts technical inspections (so called ‘B-inspections’) every 48 hours on its fleet. These inspections are conducted manually by mechanics throughout the country. They patrol around each individual train and assess its technical status mainly visually. However, this method has its limitations. The professionalisation and optimisation of the maintenance process is necessary to meet current and future demands. Consequently, NS is seeking for a partner to develop, validate and to maintain a pantograph and bogie WSM system in the Dutch railway environment.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
“To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts...”
To keep availability of trains on a high level, it is crucial to detect defects as soon as possible. As part of the existing maintenance regime, NS conducts technical inspections (so called ‘B-inspections’) every 48 hours on its fleet. These inspections are conducted manually by mechanics throughout the country. They patrol around each individual train and assess its technical status mainly visually. However, this method has its limitations. The professionalisation and optimisation of the maintenance process is necessary to meet current and future demands. Consequently, NS is seeking for a partner to develop, validate and to maintain a pantograph and bogie wayside monitoring system in the Dutch railway environment.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Description of the procurement
Oude waarde
“The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the WSM system at two locations in relation to...”
The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the WSM system at two locations in relation to legislation requirements;
2) National rollout: The supply of the WSM system to get a certain national coverage. The exact amount of locations is yet to be determined and will be disclosed in the RFP phase of this tender. The condition of starting this phase is based on the success of the commissioning phase.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
“The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the wayside monitoring system at two locations in...”
The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the wayside monitoring system at two locations in relation to legislation requirements;
2) National rollout: the supply of the wayside monitoring system to get a certain national coverage. The exact amount of locations is yet to be determined and will be disclosed in the RFP phase of this tender. The condition of starting this phase is based on the success of the commissioning phase.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.7)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Oude waarde
“This contract is subject to renewal: yes
The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with 2 x...”
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with 2 x 1 years with a supplier who is able to supply pantograph and bogie WSM systems at various locations in the Dutch railway environment.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
“This contract is subject to renewal: yes
The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with 2 x...”
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
The NS intends entering into a framework agreement for a period of 5 years with the possibility to extend with 2 x 1 years with a supplier who is able to supply pantograph and bogie wayside monitoring systems at various locations in the Dutch railway environment.
Toon meer
Bron: OJS 2020/S 063-151696 (2020-03-26)
Award Aankondiging (2021-04-21) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Totale waarde van de opdracht (exclusief BTW): EUR 1.0 💰
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: The netherlands.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the wayside monitoring system at two locations in...”
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
The project includes the following and will be achieved in two phases:
1) Commissioning phase: validating the wayside monitoring system at two locations in relation to legislation requirements;
2) National rollout: the supply of the wayside monitoring system to get a certain national coverage. The exact amount of locations is yet to be determined and will be disclosed in the RFP phase of this tender. The condition of starting this phase is based on the success of the commissioning phase.
Toon meer Informatie over opties
Beschrijving van de opties: The contract can be extended with 2 x 1 years.
Procedure Informatie over de kaderovereenkomst
De aanbesteding omvat de vaststelling van een raamovereenkomst
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2020/S 059-142397
Gunning van het contract
Contractnummer: 1
Titel: Pantograph and Bogie Way Side Monitoring Systems
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2021-03-12 📅
Informatie over aanbestedingen
Aantal ontvangen offertes: 3
Aantal elektronisch ontvangen inschrijvingen: 0
Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: CAF Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles, S.A. (CAF, S.A.)
Postadres: J.M. Iturrioz Street 26
Poststad: Beasain
Postcode: 20200
Land: Spanje 🇪🇸
Regio: España 🏙️
De aannemer is een KMO ✅ Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Geraamde totale waarde van de opdracht/het perceel: EUR 1.0 💰
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 1.0 💰
Bron: OJS 2021/S 080-207025 (2021-04-21)