Korte beschrijving
Stichting Voorbereiding PALLAS-Reactor (‘PALLAS’) is pleased to invite companies to fulfil the following requirements for the detailed design and construction of the Health Centre GMP Production Building in Petten (NL).
The Health Centre is one of the PALLAS facilities that will enable research, development, clinical trials and commercial production of radio-chemicals (start material) and radio-pharmaceuticals (medicines). The construction of a good manufacturing practice (‘GMP’) production building will enable the Health Centre to produce the radio-chemicals and radio-pharmaceuticals.
The scope of work of the main contractor of the Health Centre can be described as follows:
— detailed design of:
• site civil works,
• building core shell,
• mechanical, electricity and plumbing,
• CO2/NOx emission free energy supply,
• Coordination of the Bouwteam in design, construction and qualification phase.