Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
โOffshore Survey of the BBL Subsea Pipeline between Balgzand (NL) and Bacton (UK)
WS 1803345739โ
Producten/diensten: Offshorediensten๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โOffshore pipeline survey (acoustic, visual, cathodic protection) between United Kingdom and the Netherlands.โ
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Southern North Sea.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โGeneral visual inspection, cathodic protection survey, and acoustic survey of approximately 230 km of offshore pipeline between Balgzand (NL) and Bacton...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
General visual inspection, cathodic protection survey, and acoustic survey of approximately 230 km of offshore pipeline between Balgzand (NL) and Bacton (UK) from landfall to a maximum depth of 50 m. The scope of services require the acquisition of high quality data to provide evidence of pipeline condition and identify any anomalies. Full detailed reporting is to be provided.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam):
โAward criteria with respect to Quality will be made available when invited to participate in the request for proposal (RFP document)โ
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 0
Prijs (weging): 0
Startdatum: 2020-01-08 ๐
Einddatum: 2020-07-31 ๐
Procedure Soort procedure
Procedure van gunning via onderhandelingen met voorafgaande oproep tot mededinging
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2019-09-09
11:00 ๐
Geschatte datum van verzending van de uitnodigingen tot inschrijving of tot deelneming aan de geselecteerde gegadigden: 2019-10-03 ๐
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels ๐ฃ๏ธ
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Minimumtermijn gedurende welke de inschrijver de offerte gestand moet doen: 3
Aanvullende informatie Informatie over elektronische workflows
Er zal gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische bestellingen
Elektronische facturering wordt aanvaard
Er zal gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische betaling
Aanvullende informatie
โAccess to tender documents โ Ariba.
The tender shall be carried out by means of the SAP Ariba network. All requested information shall be submitted via this...โ
Access to tender documents โ Ariba.
The tender shall be carried out by means of the SAP Ariba network. All requested information shall be submitted via this network.
In order to gain access to the network and the tender documents, candidates shall take the following steps:
Step 1: Registration on SAP Ariba network:
In case the candidate has not previously registered itself on the SAP Ariba network, or in case a specific Ariba-Gasunie relation has not been established, candidate shall first register using the following link: http://gasunie.supplier.ariba.com/register
In case the candidate has registered with the Ariba network and candidate has established a specific Ariba-Gasunie relation, candidate is requested to verify if the stored company data are still correct. Candidate can access the Ariba network using the following link: http://gasunie.supplier.ariba.com/
Step 2: approach Gasunie contact person:
Once a confirmation of successful registration has been received, candidate can express their interest for participation by sending an email to the Gasunie contact person as mentioned under Section I.1) stating company name and the tender reference nr/name.
Note: Within 48 (business) hours after receipt of candidates request for participation (Step 2), candidate will receive an invitation to participate and will be granted access to the tender documents. In case candidate has have not received and invitation within that timeframe, please inform the Gasunie contact person or submit an email to: procurementsupport@gasunie.nl
Instruction manuals can be downloaded at https://www.gasunie.nl/en/suppliers/ariba
In case you maintain to have problems accessing the tender documents, please inform the Gasunie contact person or submit an email to: procurementsupport@gasunie.nl
Specific issues regarding the SAP Ariba network account can be addressed at https://support.ariba.com/help/?locale=en
Award Aankondiging (2020-06-04) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
โOffshore pipeline survey (Acoustic, visual, cathodic protection) between United Kingdom and the Netherlands.โ
Procedure Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2019/S 147-362995
Gunning van het contract
Contractnummer: 1
โOffshore Survey of the BBL Subsea Pipeline between Balgzand (NL) and Bacton (UK)โ
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2020-05-19 ๐