The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile. This will take place in accordance with the open procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Act.
The purpose of this upcoming tender is the delivery and installation of a measurement system (which has the ability to validate jammers) named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (TESLA-M) into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment), with a performance based contract. The desired life- and service span of the TESLA-M is 9,5 years.
There will be held a bidders day during the tender procedure.
This bidders day will be held at 24.9.2019, at 3 p.m. at location Luitenant Kolonel Tonnetkazerne, 't Harde, the Netherlands.
In order to join this bidders day, you have to sign up before 18.9.2019, 6 p.m. by sending a message in Negometrix.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2019-11-04.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2019-09-10.
De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Measurement Equipment for signal Jamming: TESt Lane Analysis Mobile
Producten/diensten: Installatie van meet-, controle-, test- en navigatie-uitrusting📦
Korte beschrijving:
“The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile. This will take place in accordance with...”
Korte beschrijving
The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile. This will take place in accordance with the open procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Act.
The purpose of this upcoming tender is the delivery and installation of a measurement system (which has the ability to validate jammers) named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (TESLA-M) into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment), with a performance based contract. The desired life- and service span of the TESLA-M is 9,5 years.
There will be held a bidders day during the tender procedure.
This bidders day will be held at 24.9.2019, at 3 p.m. at location Luitenant Kolonel Tonnetkazerne, 't Harde, the Netherlands.
In order to join this bidders day, you have to sign up before 18.9.2019, 6 p.m. by sending a message in Negometrix.
The scope of this project is the delivery and installation of a measurement system named TESLA-M with a performance based contract. The supplier must deliver and install measurement equipment including a workplace and other components described in the POR into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment). The entire system must have the ability to validate RC-IED jammers now and in the future. The desired life- and service span of the vehicle is 9,5 years in which the supplier is responsible for an operational availability of 85 %.
Purpose of the project TESLA-M:
To protect its personnel the NL-MOD uses radio frequency jammers on its vehicles to prevent activation signals from reaching a Radio controlled improvised explosive device (RC-IED).
To make sure that we use the correct frequency range at a certain place and time, we need to gain insight into the propagation path of electromagnetic signals, with the aim of using this data to provide the best possible countermeasure against an RC-IED. Therefore an operational file (which amongst others contains frequencies and its settings) in a jammer system will be tested with the measurement equipment of the TESLA-M to determine if and how a jammer functions and if the RC-IED is prevented from being detonated.
By procuring the TESLA-M we will enable and support the activities for optimizing and verifying the effectiveness of an operational file for Counter RC-IED purposes. In this process, activities must be recorded and secured automatically as much as possible. The measurement equipment needed to perform the tests are a real time spectrum analyzer, IQ-recorder, signal generator, etc.
The testing and validation of the jammer configurations is carried out under peace conditions, often on military sites in the Netherlands or abroad. In exceptional cases it can be used to support national (non-Defence) units in the event of an emergency.
It must also be able to remotely control the mobile measurement configuration in the TESLA-M and access the test results remotely. It must be able to create a lab environment by connecting the TESLA-M to a local network cable and a private laptop in a building. A LAN cable — which feeds information from the TESLA-M to the physical onsite building — should be installable inside the junction box on the outside of the vehicle.
The supplier is asked to deliver a ready for use TESLA-M within the delivery time of 6 months in compliance with all the requirements. Beside the TESLA- M, the delivery entails: delivery of spare parts and components, delivery of required documentation and delivery of training materials and the training course.
The vehicle into which the TESLA-M equipment must be installed, will be delivered by the contracting authority to the supplier.
Operational availability:
The supplier is asked to deliver the TESLA-M with an operational availability of 85 % including maintenance and obsolescence management of spares and system parts, etc. for the duration of 9,5 years after the delivery and Acceptance of the ready for use TESLA-M. The supplier will also cooperate with a possible request performing modification maintenance on the TESLA-M.
Possibility of the delivery and integration of options in the TESLA-M system, and also including these options in the operational availability.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 120
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Dit contract kan worden verlengd ✅ Beschrijving
Beschrijving van de verlengingen:
“The State has the right to extend the Agreement 2 times for the period of 1 year operational availability, until 3 months before the end of the agreement.”
Aanvullende informatie:
“During the ITT the contracting authority invites all the tenderers to attend the bidders day.
This bidders day entails:
— general introduction of this...”
Aanvullende informatie
During the ITT the contracting authority invites all the tenderers to attend the bidders day.
This bidders day entails:
— general introduction of this tender,
— viewing the current TESLA-M,
— an opportunity to ask questions.
Questions during the bidders day will be answered directly, if possible.
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2019/S 172-419090
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2019-11-04
12:00 📅
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels 🗣️
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Minimumtermijn gedurende welke de inschrijver de offerte gestand moet doen: 4
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2019-11-04
12:01 📅
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes (plaats): Utrecht.
Aanvullende informatie Informatie over elektronische workflows
Elektronische facturering wordt aanvaard
Er zal gebruik worden gemaakt van elektronische betaling
Naam: The Court in The Hague
Poststad: The Hague
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Bron: OJS 2019/S 177-430065 (2019-09-10)
Aanvullende inlichtingen (2019-10-08) Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Measurement Equipment for Signal Jamming: TESt Lane Analysis Mobile
Korte beschrijving:
“The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (in accordance with the open procedure...”
Korte beschrijving
The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (in accordance with the open procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Act).
The purpose of this tender is delivery and installation of a measurement system (which has the ability to validate jammers) named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (TESLA-M) into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment), with a performance based contract. The desired life- and servicespan of TESLA-M is 9,5 years.
This tender was previously published but is republished due to, amongs other things, a changed delivery time. The previously published tender documents are outdated. You can download the new and applicable invitation to tender (ITT) and the annexes under ‘Vragenlijsten’ (‘questionnaires’). The changes made in the documents are highlighted yellow.
Aanvullende informatie Referentie oorspronkelijke aankondiging
Nummer van het bericht in het PB S: 2019/S 177-430065
Wijzigingen In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.1.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Short description:
Oude waarde
“The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile. This will take place in accordance with...”
The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile. This will take place in accordance with the open procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Act.
The purpose of this upcoming tender is the delivery and installation of a measurement system (which has the ability to validate jammers) named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (TESLA-M) into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment), with a performance based contract. The desired life- and servicespan of the TESLA-M is 9,5 years.
There will be held a bidders day during the tender procedure.
This bidders day will be held at 24.9.2019, at 3 p.m. at location Luitenant Kolonel Tonnetkazerne, 't Harde, the Netherlands.
In order to join this Bidders day, you have to sign up before 18.9.2019, 6 p.m. by sending a message in Negometrix.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
“The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (in accordance with the open procedure...”
The contracting authority invites you to submit a tender for a measurement system named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (in accordance with the open procedure under the Netherlands Public Procurement Act).
The purpose of this tender is delivery and installation of a measurement system (which has the ability to validate jammers) named TESt Lane Analysis Mobile (TESLA-M) into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment), with a performance based contract. The desired life- and servicespan of TESLA-M is 9,5 years.
This tender was previously published but is republished due to, amongs other things, a changed delivery time. The previously published tender documents are outdated. You can download the new and applicable invitation to tender (ITT) and the annexes under ‘Vragenlijsten’ (‘questionnaires’). The changes made in the documents are highlighted yellow.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.4)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Short description:
Oude waarde
The scope of this project is the delivery and installation of a measurement system named TESLA-M with a performance based contract. The supplier must...”
The scope of this project is the delivery and installation of a measurement system named TESLA-M with a performance based contract. The supplier must deliver and install measurement equipment including a workplace and other components described in the POR into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment). The entire system must have the ability to validate RC-IED jammers now and in the future. The desired life- and service span of the vehicle is 9,5 years in which the supplier is responsible for an Operational availability of 85 %.
Purpose of the project TESLA-M
To protect its personnel the NL-MOD uses radio frequency jammers on its vehicles to prevent activation signals from reaching a Radio controlled improvised explosive device (RC-IED).
To make sure that we use the correct frequency range at a certain place and time, we need to gain insight into the propagation path of electromagnetic signals, with the aim of using this data to provide the best possible countermeasure against an RC-IED. Therefore an operational file (which amongst others contains frequencies and its settings) in a jammer system will be tested with the measurement equipment of the TESLA-M to determine if and how a jammer functions and if the RC-IED is prevented from being detonated.
By procuring the TESLA-M we will enable and support the activities for optimizing and verifying the effectiveness of an operational file for counter RC-IED purposes. In this process, activities must be recorded and secured automatically as much as possible. The measurement equipment needed to perform the tests are a real time spectrum analyzer, IQ-recorder, signal generator, etc.
The testing and validation of the jammer configurations is carried out under peace conditions, often on military sites in the Netherlands or abroad. In exceptional cases it can be used to support national (non-Defence) units in the event of an emergency.
It must also be able to remotely control the mobile measurement configuration in the TESLA-M and access the test results remotely. It must be able to create a lab environment by connecting the TESLA-M to a local network cable and a private laptop in a building. A LAN cable – which feeds information from the TESLA-M to the physical on-site building – should be installable inside the junction box on the outside of the vehicle.
The supplier is asked to deliver a ready for use TESLA-M within the delivery time of 6 months in compliance with all the requirements. Beside the TESLA-M, the delivery entails: delivery of spare parts and components, delivery of required documentation and delivery of training materials and the training course.
The vehicle into which the TESLA-M equipment must be installed, will be delivered by the contracting authority to the supplier.
Operational availability
The supplier is asked to deliver the TESLA-M with an operational availability of 85 % including maintenance and obsolescence management of spares and system parts, etc. for the duration of 9,5 years after the delivery and acceptance of the ready for use TESLA-M. The supplier will also cooperate with a possible request performing modification maintenance on the TESLA-M.
Possibility of the delivery and integration of options in the TESLA-M system, and also including these options in the operational availability.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
The scope of this project is the delivery and installation of a measurement system named TESLA-M with a performance based contract. The supplier must...”
The scope of this project is the delivery and installation of a measurement system named TESLA-M with a performance based contract. The supplier must deliver and install measurement equipment including a workplace and other components described in the POR into a vehicle (a van delivered as government furnished equipment). The entire system must have the ability to validate RC-IED jammers now and in the future. The desired life- and service span of the vehicle is 9,5 years in which the supplier is responsible for an Operational availability of 85 %.
Purpose of the project TESLA-M
To protect its personnel the NL-MOD uses radio frequency jammers on its vehicles to prevent activation signals from reaching a Radio controlled improvised explosive device (RC-IED).
To make sure that we use the correct frequency range at a certain place and time, we need to gain insight into the propagation path of electromagnetic signals, with the aim of using this data to provide the best possible countermeasure against an RC-IED. Therefore an operational file (which amongst others contains frequencies and its settings) in a jammer system will be tested with the measurement equipment of the TESLA-M to determine if and how a jammer functions and if the RC-IED is prevented from being detonated.
By procuring the TESLA-M we will enable and support the activities for optimizing and verifying the effectiveness of an operational file for counter RC-IED purposes. In this process, activities must be recorded and secured automatically as much as possible. The measurement equipment needed to perform the tests are a real time spectrum analyzer, IQ-recorder, signal generator, etc.
The testing and validation of the jammer configurations is carried out under peace conditions, often on military sites in the Netherlands or abroad. In exceptional cases it can be used to support national (non-Defence) units in the event of an emergency.
It must also be able to remotely control the mobile measurement configuration in the TESLA-M and access the test results remotely. It must be able to create a lab environment by connecting the TESLA-M to a local network cable and a private laptop in a building. A LAN cable – which feeds information from the TESLA-M to the physical on-site building – should be installable inside the junction box on the outside of the vehicle.
The supplier is asked to deliver a ready for use TESLA-M within the delivery time of 8 months, of which at least 6 months will remain after delivery from the GFE vehicle by the contracting authority to the supplier, in compliance with all the requirements. Beside the TESLA-M, the delivery entails: delivery of spare parts and components, delivery of required documentation and delivery of training materials and the training course.
The vehicle into which the TESLA-M equipment must be installed, will be delivered by the contracting authority to the supplier.
Operational availability
The supplier is asked to deliver the TESLA-M with an operational availability of 85 % including maintenance and obsolescence management of spares and system parts, etc. for the duration of 9,5 years after the delivery and acceptance of the ready for use TESLA-M. The supplier will also cooperate with a possible request performing modification maintenance on the TESLA-M.
Possibility of the delivery and integration of options in the TESLA-M system, and also including these options in the operational availability.
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: II.2.14)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Additional information
Oude waarde
“During the ITT the Contracting Authority invites all the Tenderers to attend the bidders day.
This bidders day entails:
— general introduction of this...”
During the ITT the Contracting Authority invites all the Tenderers to attend the bidders day.
This bidders day entails:
— general introduction of this tender,
— viewing the current TESLA-M,
— an opportunity to ask questions.
Questions during the bidders day will be answered directly, if possible.
Toon meer Nieuwe waarde
“This tender has previously been published, but is now republished due to, among other thing, a changed delivery time. The tender documents that were...”
This tender has previously been published, but is now republished due to, among other thing, a changed delivery time. The tender documents that were previously published here are outdated and can not be used anymore as a basis for submitting your tender.
You can download the new and applicable invitation to tender and the Annexes under ‘Vragenlijsten’ (or ‘questionnaires’).
Toon meer In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.2)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Oude waarde
Datum: 2019-11-04 📅
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2019-11-25 📅
In de oorspronkelijke aankondiging te corrigeren tekst
Sectienummer: IV.2.7)
Plaats van de te wijzigen tekst: Conditions for opening of tenders
Oude waarde
Datum: 2019-11-04 📅
Nieuwe waarde
Datum: 2019-11-25 📅
Bron: OJS 2019/S 197-478516 (2019-10-08)
Award Aankondiging (2020-09-04) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Naam: Ministerie van Defensie Nederland
Contactpersoon: Ministerie van Defensie/DMO Inkoop IT
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Tesla M
Producten/diensten: Meetinstrumenten📦
Korte beschrijving:
“Betreft de levering en installatie van meetsysteem voor het valideren van jammers in een voertuig. Het onderhouden van het systeem.”
Totale waarde van de opdracht (exclusief BTW): EUR 1 💰
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“Betreft de levering en installatie van meetsysteem voor het valideren van jammers in een voertuig. Het onderhouden van het systeem.” Gunningscriteria
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Kwaliteit
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 80
Prijs (weging): 20
Informatie over opties
Opties ✅
Beschrijving van de opties: Technische opties.
Procedure Soort procedure
Geen inschrijvingen of geen geschikte inschrijvingen/verzoeken tot deelneming naar aanleiding van de openbare procedure
Gunning van een opdracht zonder voorafgaande bekendmaking van een oproep tot mededinging in het Publicatieblad van de Europese Unie (toelichting):
“Geen geschikte/geen inschrijvingen ontvangen dus doorgegaan in een onderhandelingsprocedure zonder aankondiging met de partijen die interesse hadden getoond.” Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2019/S 177-430065
Gunning van het contract
Titel: Tesla M
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2020-08-26 📅
Informatie over aanbestedingen
Aantal ontvangen offertes: 2
Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Rhode & Schwarz
Poststad: Utrecht
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Regio: Nederland🏙️
De aannemer is een KMO
Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 1 💰
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Rechtbank Den Haag
Poststad: Den Haag
Bron: OJS 2020/S 175-422535 (2020-09-04)