TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems have not yet been developed which are proven safe, reliable, delivered on-time and cost efficient (LCoE: lowest cost of energy), the scope of this innovation partnership procedure is the HVDC system, offshore & onshore converters. Offshore platforms and HVDC cables are excluded from the scope, as these will be tendered separately.
Other offshore HVDC grid connections with a capacity in the range of 2 GW or more of TenneT in the Netherlands and in Germany may become part of the scope.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2019-11-25.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2019-10-11.
Aanbestedende dienst Informatie over gezamenlijke aanbestedingen
Het contract omvat een gezamenlijke aanbesteding
In geval van een gezamenlijke aanbesteding waarbij verschillende landen betrokken zijn, de toepasselijke nationale aanbestedingswetgeving vermelden: Dutch procurement law
Documenten URL: https://platform.negometrix.com/PublishedTenders.aspx?tenderid=130167🌏
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: HVDC System, Offshore and Onshore HVDC Converter Stations - IJmuiden Ver
Producten/diensten: Elektromotoren, elektrische generatoren en elektrische transformatoren📦
Korte beschrijving:
“TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems...”
Korte beschrijving
TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems have not yet been developed which are proven safe, reliable, delivered on-time and cost efficient (LCoE: lowest cost of energy), the scope of this innovation partnership procedure is the HVDC system, offshore & onshore converters. Offshore platforms and HVDC cables are excluded from the scope, as these will be tendered separately.
Other offshore HVDC grid connections with a capacity in the range of 2 GW or more of TenneT in the Netherlands and in Germany may become part of the scope.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Vermogensomzetters📦
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Distributie- en regelinstallaties voor elektriciteit📦
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland🏙️
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems...”
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
TenneT will develop two 2 GW offshore HVDC grid connections for integrating IJmuiden Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid. As 2 GW offshore HVDC systems have not yet been developed which are proven safe, reliable, delivered on-time and cost efficient (LCoE: lowest cost of energy), the scope of this innovation partnership procedure is 2 x 2 GW HVDC systems, offshore and onshore converters. Offshore platforms and HVDC cables are excluded from the scope, as these will be tendered separately.
Other offshore HVDC grid connections with a capacity in the range of 2 GW or more of TenneT in the Netherlands and in Germany may become part of the scope.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 48
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Dit contract kan worden verlengd ✅ Beschrijving
Beschrijving van de verlengingen: Possibility to extend four times by a period of 1 year.
Informatie over de beperkingen van het aantal uit te nodigen kandidaten
Verwacht aantal kandidaten: 5
Objectieve criteria voor de keuze van het beperkte aantal kandidaten:
“Selection criterion is the number of reference projects demonstrating experience with design, manufacturing and installation of VSC converter valves...”
Objectieve criteria voor de keuze van het beperkte aantal kandidaten
Selection criterion is the number of reference projects demonstrating experience with design, manufacturing and installation of VSC converter valves including valve based controls and valve cooling system which are part of offshore and/or of onshore VSC converter stations with a voltage level of >=320 kV DC and with a capacity of >= 600 MW.
Juridische, economische, financiële en technische informatie Voorwaarden voor deelname
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen: Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.
Economische en financiële draagkracht
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria:
“Financial ratio: EBITA divided by Interest expense.
Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.” Voorwaarden voor deelname
“Three year weighted average of EBITA divided by Interest expense ≥ 2.25.
Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.” Technische en professionele bekwaamheid
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria:
“The anticipated core competence is experience with design, manufacturing and installation of VSC converter valves including valve based controls and valve...”
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria
The anticipated core competence is experience with design, manufacturing and installation of VSC converter valves including valve based controls and valve cooling system with regard to HVDC system and converter stations.
Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.
Toon meer Voorwaarden voor deelname
Voorwaarden voor deelname (technische en beroepsbekwaamheid):
“— A type test certificate or type test report of a successfully performed type test for VSC converter valves according to IEC 62501 for application in a VSC...”
Voorwaarden voor deelname (technische en beroepsbekwaamheid)
— A type test certificate or type test report of a successfully performed type test for VSC converter valves according to IEC 62501 for application in a VSC converter system with a voltage level of >=320kV DC and with a capacity of >=600 MW, dated after 1.1.2009,
— One reference project demonstrating experience with design, manufacturing and installation (up to mechanical completion) of VSC converter valves including valve based controls & valve cooling system which are part of a VSC converter station with a voltage level of >=320 kV DC and with a capacity of >= 600 MW, which mechanical completion has been accomplished after 1.1.2014.
Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.
Toon meer
Lijst en korte beschrijving van regels en criteria: Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.
Voorwaarden met betrekking tot het contract
Voorwaarden voor de uitvoering van het contract:
“The contract for execution of the services during the Research and Development Phase of the innovation partnership procedure will be based on FIDIC...”
Voorwaarden voor de uitvoering van het contract
The contract for execution of the services during the Research and Development Phase of the innovation partnership procedure will be based on FIDIC Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement with particular conditions.
Procedure Soort procedure
Informatie over een raamovereenkomst of een dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Raamovereenkomst met verschillende exploitanten
Beoogd maximumaantal deelnemers aan de kaderovereenkomst: 5
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2019-11-25
14:00 📅
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels 🗣️
De offerte moet geldig zijn tot: 2020-03-01 📅
Aanvullende informatie Informatie over elektronische workflows
Elektronische facturering wordt aanvaard
Aanvullende informatie
Please refer to the tender documents on the Negometrix platform.
Naam: Judicial Court Arnhem
Postadres: Walburgstraat 2-4
Poststad: Arnhem
Postcode: 6811 CD
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Telefoon: +31 883612000📞
URL: www.rechtspraak.nl🌏 Herzieningsprocedure
Precieze informatie over de termijn(en) voor herzieningsprocedures:
“Tenderer will be informed of the conditional award decision at the earliest possible opportunity. If a Tenderer objects to TenneT's award decision, it must...”
Precieze informatie over de termijn(en) voor herzieningsprocedures
Tenderer will be informed of the conditional award decision at the earliest possible opportunity. If a Tenderer objects to TenneT's award decision, it must make their objections known to TenneT within 10 calendar days by serving an application for interim measures before the competent preliminary injunctions court at Arnhem. The above-mentioned term of 10 calendar days shall commence on the day after the date on which TenneT's decision was sent. The term of 10 calendar days must be regarded as a time limit. Upon expiry of this term, TenneT shall consider that it is entitled to finally award the contract and conclude the agreement. If Tenderer decides after these 10 calendar days to initiate summary proceedings in connection with TenneT's award decision, TenneT will adopt the position that Tenderer has inadmissible claims. This period must therefore be regarded as a time limit.
Toon meer
Bron: OJS 2019/S 200-487141 (2019-10-11)