Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
This tender outlines the details of a Framework Agreement for the selection of service providers to support both FMO’s Financial Intermediary (FI) clients participating in the NASIRA Program on the one hand and the FI’s end beneficiaries on the other hand. The main objective of this assignment is to strengthen the FIs’ ability to (better) serve women-, young- and migrant entrepreneurs, enhancing the overall impact of the facility. More specifically, under this Framework Agreement, selected service providers will support the operationalization of the NASIRA program from FIs to FI’s end-beneficiaries across the implementing regions, namely Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood countries.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2019-08-01.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2019-05-30.
De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:
Aankondiging van een opdracht (2019-05-30) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Naam: Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.
Nationaal registratienummer: 270785450000
Postadres: Anna van Saksenlaan 71
Poststad: The Hague
Postcode: 2593HW
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Contactpersoon: Diana Paans
Telefoon: +31 622663372📞
E-mail: diana.paans-van.der.arend@pwc.com📧
Regio: Nederland🏙️
URL: https://www.fmo.nl🌏
Adres van het kopersprofiel: https://www.fmo.nl🌏 Communicatie
Documenten URL: https://www.fmo.nl/🌏 Communicatie (deelname)
Naam: Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV
Nationaal registratienummer: 270785450000
Postadres: Anna van Saksenlaan 71
Poststad: The Hague
Postcode: 2593 HW
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Contactpersoon: Mr David Hernández-Velázquez
E-mail: d.hernandez@fmo.nl📧
Regio: Nederland🏙️
URL: https://www.fmo.nl/🌏 Type aanbestedende dienst
Ander type: Dutch public company contractually obliged to apply PRAG
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
“Framework Agreement Technical Assistance Services under the EFSD Guarantee NASIRA (TA2)
Producten/diensten: Financiële en verzekeringsdiensten📦
Korte beschrijving:
“Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
This tender outlines the details of a Framework Agreement for the selection of service...”
Korte beschrijving
Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
This tender outlines the details of a Framework Agreement for the selection of service providers to support both FMO’s Financial Intermediary (FI) clients participating in the NASIRA Program on the one hand and the FI’s end beneficiaries on the other hand. The main objective of this assignment is to strengthen the FIs’ ability to (better) serve women-, young- and migrant entrepreneurs, enhancing the overall impact of the facility. More specifically, under this Framework Agreement, selected service providers will support the operationalization of the NASIRA program from FIs to FI’s end-beneficiaries across the implementing regions, namely Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood countries.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Financiële en verzekeringsdiensten📦
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Diensten voor financieel advies📦
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland🏙️
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: The EU Neighbourhood countries (50 %) and Sub-Saharan Africa (50 %).
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
Multiple framework contract with reopening of competition (mini competition).
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
Multiple framework contract with reopening of competition (mini competition).
This tender outlines the details of a Framework Agreement for the selection of service providers to support both FMO’s Financial Intermediary (FI) clients participating in the NASIRA Program on the one hand and the FI’s end beneficiaries on the other hand. The main objective of this assignment is to strengthen the FIs’ ability to (better) serve women-, young- and migrant entrepreneurs, enhancing the overall impact of the facility. More specifically, under this Framework Agreement, selected service providers will support the operationalization of the NASIRA program from FIs to FI’s end-beneficiaries across the implementing regions, namely Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbourhood countries.
The facility includes a second-loss arrangement for which under the EFSD guarantee 75 000 000,00 EUR will be provided 4 000 000,00 EUR will be allocated to in non-autonomous Technical Assistance (TA). Out of this overall TA package 2 500 000 EUR will be dedicated to this framework over a
timeline of 4 years.
Legal basis: EFSD guarantee.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Vision (40), Project Organisation (40) and Risks (20)
Kwaliteitscriterium (weging): 100
Prijs (weging): 20
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Geschatte totale waarde exclusief BTW: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Duur van de opdracht, raamovereenkomst of dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Het onderstaande tijdschema is uitgedrukt in aantal maanden.
Duur: 48
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Informatie over de fondsen van de Europese Unie:
“The Framework Agreement Technical Assistance Services NASIRA is financed under the EFSD Guarantee.” Beschrijving
Aanvullende informatie:
“Please note: the request for proposal is produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to...”
Aanvullende informatie
Please note: the request for proposal is produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
Juridische, economische, financiële en technische informatie Voorwaarden voor deelname
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen:
“— Rule of nationality:
Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons (participating either individually or in a...”
Lijst en korte beschrijving van aandoeningen
— Rule of nationality:
Participation is open to all natural persons who are nationals of and legal persons (participating either individually or in a grouping – consortium – of tenderers) which are effectively established in a Member State of the European Union or in an eligible country or territory as defined under the Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union's instruments for external action (CIR). Participation is open to (international) organisations based outside or inside the EU.
Economic resources provided by the Contracting Authority under the Framework Agreement shall not be made available to, or for the benefit of, third parties — whether entities, individuals or groups of individuals — designated by the EU as subject to restrictive measures in the lists provided at www.sanctionsmap.eu (‘EU Restrictive Measures’) and these parties cannot submit a tender.
— Exclusion grounds:
All tenderers shall provide a declaration on honour, stating that none of the situations of exclusion as listed therein apply at the date on which the tender is made.
Toon meer Economische en financiële draagkracht
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria:
“Financial and economic standing:
In order to prove their economic and financial capacity, the winning Tenderer (i.e. in case of joint tender, the combined...”
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria
Financial and economic standing:
In order to prove their economic and financial capacity, the winning Tenderer (i.e. in case of joint tender, the combined capacity of all members of the consortium and identified subcontractors) shall provide evidence that the total turnover of the tenderer was higher than 2 500 000 EUR in the immediate prior fiscal year. In case of a tender by a consortium of parties, at least the lead tenderer needs to comply with this eligibility requirement regarding total turnover.
Toon meer Technische en professionele bekwaamheid
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria:
“Technical qualifications and professional capacity:
The following evidence should be provided by the tenderers who actually submit a tender:
A copy of the...”
Lijst en korte beschrijving van de selectiecriteria
Technical qualifications and professional capacity:
The following evidence should be provided by the tenderers who actually submit a tender:
A copy of the tenderer’s registration with trade register or equivalent (a proof of registration on a professional or trade register or any other official document showing the registration number).
Three (3) references that show that the tenderer has performed similar Technical Assistance services on at least three (3) of the (4) Categories of services and at least two (2) of the (3) target groups in the emerging markets (worldwide) in any combination during the last 3 years from the submission of tender deadline. References should include a detailed description of the type of services provided by the tenderer, the budget, and the name of the client served and have a budget value of more than 75 000 EUR. Tenderers are requested to make use of the template provided in Annex 5 for each of the (3) references to be provided.
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Informatie over een raamovereenkomst of een dynamisch aankoopsysteem
Raamovereenkomst met verschillende exploitanten
Beoogd maximumaantal deelnemers aan de kaderovereenkomst: 5
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2019/S 062-143997
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2019-08-01 📅
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels 🗣️
De offerte moet geldig zijn tot: 2019-10-31 📅
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2019-08-02
12:00 📅
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes (plaats): FMO
Anna van Saksenlaan 71
2593 HW The Hague
Aanvullende informatie Aanvullende informatie
“Contracting Authority will be FMO for tenders in relation to the NASIRA programme pursuant to Article 178 limb 2 Financial Regulation.” Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV
Postadres: Anna van Saksenlaan 71
Poststad: The Hague
Postcode: 2593 HW
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
E-mail: d.hernandez@fmo.nl📧
URL: http://www.fmo.nl🌏
Bron: OJS 2019/S 105-256403 (2019-05-30)
Award Aankondiging (2019-12-05) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Postcode: 259 3HW
Contactpersoon: David Hernández-Velázquez
Telefoon: +31 703149634📞
E-mail: d.hernandez@fmo.nl📧
Fax: +31 703246187 📠
Adres van het kopersprofiel: http://www.fmo.nl🌏
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
“Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
This tender outlines the details of a framework agreement for the selection of service...”
Korte beschrijving
Risk sharing facility ‘NASIRA’ – for the underserved entrepreneurs.
This tender outlines the details of a framework agreement for the selection of service providers to support both FMO’s Financial Intermediary (FI) clients participating in the NASIRA Program on the one hand and the FI’s end beneficiaries on the other hand. The main objective of this assignment is to strengthen the FIs’ ability to (better) serve women, young and migrant entrepreneurs, enhancing the overall impact of the facility. More specifically, under this framework agreement, selected service providers will support the operationalization of the NASIRA program from FIs to FI’s end-beneficiaries across the implementing regions, namely Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Neighbouring countries
Toon meer
Totale waarde van de opdracht (exclusief BTW): EUR 2 500 000 💰
Plaats van uitvoering: 00 🏙️
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Sub-Saharan Africa and European Neighbouring Countries.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
“FMO entered into a multiple framework agreement with four (4) parties in total, under which framework agreement technical assistance contracts can be...”
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
FMO entered into a multiple framework agreement with four (4) parties in total, under which framework agreement technical assistance contracts can be awarded by FMO following mini-competitions to perform the services specified therein during the validity of the framework agreement. The main objective of this assignment is to strengthen the financial institution's ability in the Sub Saharan Africa and European Neighbouring Countries to (better) serve women, young and migrant entrepreneurs, enhancing the overall impact of the NASIRA Risk-Sharing Facility.
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
Kwaliteitscriterium (naam): Vision (40), project organisation (40) and risks (20)
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Informatie over de fondsen van de Europese Unie:
“NASIRA has been designed in the context of the EU's External Investment Plan (EIP). The EIP was launched in 2017 and aims to leverage investments for...”
Informatie over de fondsen van de Europese Unie
NASIRA has been designed in the context of the EU's External Investment Plan (EIP). The EIP was launched in 2017 and aims to leverage investments for sustainable development in Africa and the EU Neighborhood, through an EU contribution.
Toon meer Beschrijving
Aanvullende informatie:
“See for more information on FMO's Risk-related technical assistance program for NASIRA and its procurement www.fmo.nl”
Procedure Informatie over de kaderovereenkomst
De aanbesteding omvat de vaststelling van een raamovereenkomst
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2019/S 105-256403
Gunning van het contract
Contractnummer: 19-261761-001
“Framework Agreement Technical Assistance Services under the EFSD Guarantee NASIRA (TA2)”
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2019-12-04 📅
Informatie over aanbestedingen
Aantal ontvangen offertes: 7
Aantal inschrijvingen van KMO's: 0
Aantal inschrijvingen van inschrijvers uit andere EU-lidstaten: 6
Aantal inschrijvingen van inschrijvers uit niet-EU-lidstaten: 1
Aantal elektronisch ontvangen inschrijvingen: 0
Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gemeinnutzige GmbH
Nationaal registratienummer: HRB82018
Postadres: Adicksallee 32-34
Poststad: Frankfurt am Main
Postcode: 60322
Land: Duitsland 🇩🇪
Telefoon: +49 1737250919📞
E-mail: s.mueffelmann@fs.de📧
Fax: +49 1737250919 📠
Regio: Deutschland 🏙️
URL: https://www.frankfurt-school.de/home🌏
De aannemer is een KMO
Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Geraamde totale waarde van de opdracht/het perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Informatie over onderaanneming
De opdracht zal waarschijnlijk worden uitbesteed
Verhouding (%): 15
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven:
“FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gemeinnutzige GmbH (herafter 'FS') is one of...”
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven
FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gemeinnutzige GmbH (herafter 'FS') is one of these four parties.
FS (envisaged) subcontractor is: Making Cents International
2️⃣ Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Niras a/s
Nationaal registratienummer: 37295728
Postadres: Sotorvet 5-4th Floor
Poststad: Copenhagen
Postcode: 1371
Land: Denemarken 🇩🇰
Telefoon: +45 48104200📞
E-mail: mada@niras.com📧
Fax: +45 48104200 📠
Regio: Byen København 🏙️
URL: https://www.niras.com/🌏 Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Geraamde totale waarde van de opdracht/het perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Informatie over onderaanneming
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven:
“FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Niras A/S (hereafter 'Niras') is one of these four parties.
Niras (envisaged)...”
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven
FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Niras A/S (hereafter 'Niras') is one of these four parties.
Niras (envisaged) subcontractors are:
— Financial Access Consulting Services (FACS)
— LFS Advisory
— Microfinanza
— the Middle East Investment Initiative (MEII)
3️⃣ Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Developpement International Desjardins (DID)
Nationaal registratienummer: 184256-1
Postadres: 59 Avenue Begin
Poststad: Levis (Quebec)
Postcode: G6V 4C3 Canada
Land: Canada 🇨🇦
Telefoon: +1 4188352401📞
E-mail: dm@did.qc.ca📧
Fax: +1 4188352401 📠
Regio: 00 🏙️
URL: https://www.did.qc.ca/en/🌏 Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Geraamde totale waarde van de opdracht/het perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Informatie over onderaanneming
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven:
“FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Developpement International Desjardins (hereafter 'DID') is one of these four...”
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven
FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Developpement International Desjardins (hereafter 'DID') is one of these four parties.
DID (envisaged) subcontractors are:
— Business and Finance Consulting (BFC)
— MicroSave Consulting
— AdVision Finance (Canada)
4️⃣ Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)
Nationaal registratienummer: 33185213
Postadres: Mauritskade 64
Poststad: Amsterdam
Postcode: 1092 AD
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Telefoon: +31 205688538📞
E-mail: s.olympio@kit.nl📧
Fax: +31 205688538 📠
Regio: Groot-Amsterdam🏙️
URL: https://www.kit.nl/🌏 Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Geraamde totale waarde van de opdracht/het perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 2 500 000 💰
Informatie over onderaanneming
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven:
“FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) (hereafter 'KIT') is one of these four parties.
Korte beschrijving van het deel van de opdracht dat in onderaanneming wordt gegeven
FMO entered into a multiple Framework Agreement with four (4) parties.
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) (hereafter 'KIT') is one of these four parties.
KIT (envisaged) subcontractor is: Access Alliance
“Contracting authority will be FMO for tenders in relation to the NASIRA programme pursuant to Article 178 limb 2 Financial Regulation.
The estimated...”
Contracting authority will be FMO for tenders in relation to the NASIRA programme pursuant to Article 178 limb 2 Financial Regulation.
The estimated contract value of the framework agreement awarded is an indication only. No rights can be derived from this publication.