Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
Please note: this is not a contract notice for a tender procedure for a public contract, this is notice for a development programme for which the compensation does not fall directly under the public procurement law. TED is merely used for publication of the development programme.
Description of the development programme:
TenneT is developing two (2) GW offshore grid connection systems for integrating the IJmuiden-Ver wind parks into the Dutch power grid for which a submarine cable system operating at a voltage level 525 kV DC, using extruded insulation types is needed. At this moment in time a submarine cable system with such specification is not available on the market. TenneT wishes contribute to the development of this innovative cable type.
Applications for participation and subsequently a limited compensation for the costs of development can be submitted during the period from 16.12.2019 to 17.1.2020. Further information can be requested via email: