UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA. UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the project have entered into a grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the project.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2018-10-12.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2018-10-01.
De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: Preclinical Trial Services
Producten/diensten: Onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling๐ฆ
Korte beschrijving:
โUMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs...โ
Korte beschrijving
UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA. UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the project have entered into a grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the project.
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland๐๏ธ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Depending on the outcome of the tender, but within Europe.
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โUMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The project is part of New Drugs...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA. UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the project have entered into a grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the project.
The grant agreement sets out the European Union's financial contribution to the project and the various rights and obligations in respect of the undertaking of the project. Part of the project is testing of compounds on animals. The purpose of this Tender is for UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd. to select and contract one supplier for the Preclinical Trial Services for Murepavadin, (POL7080).
Toon meer Gunningscriteria
De prijs is niet het enige gunningscriterium en alle criteria worden alleen in de aanbestedingsdocumenten vermeld
Startdatum: 2018-12-07 ๐
Einddatum: 2019-12-31 ๐
Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Informatie over de fondsen van de Europese Unie: IMI Grant Agreement number 115721, iABC project
Aanvullende informatie
Procedure Soort procedure
Open procedure
Administratieve informatie
Termijn voor de ontvangst van inschrijvingen of verzoeken tot deelneming: 2018-10-12
08:00 ๐
Talen waarin inschrijvingen of aanvragen tot deelneming kunnen worden ingediend: Engels ๐ฃ๏ธ
Voorwaarden voor de opening van de offertes: 2018-11-12
08:00 ๐
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Court Central-Netherlands Utrecht
Poststad: Utrecht
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Voor bemiddelingsprocedures verantwoordelijke instantie
Naam: UMC Utrecht Legal department
Poststad: Utrecht
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ Dienst waar informatie over de beroepsprocedure kan worden verkregen
Naam: UMC Utrecht Legal department
Poststad: Utrecht
Land: Nederland ๐ณ๐ฑ
Bron: OJS 2018/S 193-436662 (2018-10-01)
Award Aankondiging (2018-12-19) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Postcode: 3584CX
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Korte beschrijving:
โUMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs...โ
Korte beschrijving
UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The Project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA. UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the Project have entered into a Grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the Project.
Toon meer
Totale waarde van de opdracht (exclusief BTW): EUR 1 ๐ฐ
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Depending on the outcome of the Tender, but within Europe
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding:
โUMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs...โ
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding
UMC Utrecht and Polyphor Ltd are partners in the iABC Project (inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis). The Project is part of New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) program to develop new antibiotic treatments to manage chronic lung infections and will also establish the first European patient register for bronchiectasis, providing a platform to improve the quality of care for patients across Europe. The Project is funded by the European Commission through Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI and the EFPIA. UMCU and Polyphor, together with other organisations participating in the Project have entered into a Grant agreement, number 115721 with the European Commission in respect of the Project.
Procedure Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2018/S 193-436662
Gunning van het contract
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2018-11-15 ๐
Informatie over aanbestedingen
Aantal ontvangen offertes: 1
Naam en adres van de contractant
Naam: Envigo CRS Ltd
Poststad: Huntingdon
Land: Verenigd Koninkrijk ๐ฌ๐ง
Regio: Nederland๐๏ธ
De aannemer is een KMO
Informatie over de waarde van de opdracht/het perceel (exclusief BTW)
Totale waarde van het contract/perceel: EUR 1 ๐ฐ
Bron: OJS 2018/S 246-565407 (2018-12-19)