NedTrain has the intention to conclude an agreement and agree on the terms and conditions of a spare part agreement with a supplier who is able to supply regional/intercity 119 toilet systems for the VIRMm2/3 refurbishment and Overhaul project that covers approximately 242 coaches. The term of the contract will cover the duration of the VIRMm2/3 refurbishment and Overhaul project.
In this contract there is an option for the VIRMm4 project which covers approximately 100 toilet systems (204 coaches) and/or an option for other similar refurbishment and Overhaul projects, NedTrain may call on the option at its discretion and will have the possibility for extensions for the option(s) mentioned, as long as the extensions start within 2 years after the end date of the VIRMm2/3 project.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2017-11-20.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2017-10-18.
Award Aankondiging (2018-09-04) Aanbestedende dienst Naam en adressen
Naam: NedTrain B.V.
Nationaal registratienummer: 41680548
Postadres: Stationshal 17
Poststad: Utrecht
Postcode: 3511CE
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Contactpersoon: Ted Vermolen
Telefoon: +31 302353897📞
Regio: Nederland🏙️
Object Toepassingsgebied van de aanbesteding
Titel: VIRMm2/3 Toilet Systems
Producten/diensten: Rollend materieel📦
Korte beschrijving:
“NedTrain has the intention to conclude an agreement and agree on the terms and conditions of a spare part agreement with a supplier who is able to supply...”
Korte beschrijving
NedTrain has the intention to conclude an agreement and agree on the terms and conditions of a spare part agreement with a supplier who is able to supply regional/intercity 119 toilet systems for the VIRMm2/3 refurbishment and Overhaul project that covers approximately 242 coaches. The term of the contract will cover the duration of the VIRMm2/3 refurbishment and Overhaul project. In this contract there is an option for the VIRMm4 project which covers approximately 100 toilet systems (204 coaches) and/or an option for other similar refurbishment and Overhaul projects, NedTrain may call on the option at its discretion and will have the possibility for extensions for the option(s) mentioned, as long as the extensions start within 2 years after the end date of the VIRMm2/3 project.
Aanvullende producten/diensten: Chemische toiletten📦
Aanvullende producten/diensten: WC-brillen, deksels, toiletpotten en stortbakken📦
Plaats van uitvoering: Nederland🏙️
Plaats van uitvoering: Agglomeratie Haarlem🏙️
Hoofdlocatie of plaats van uitvoering: Haarlem
Beschrijving van de aanbesteding: See selection guidelines
Informatie over opties
Opties ✅
Beschrijving van de opties: Extension
Procedure Soort procedure
Procedure van gunning via onderhandelingen met voorafgaande oproep tot mededinging
Informatie over de kaderovereenkomst
De aanbesteding omvat de vaststelling van een raamovereenkomst
Administratieve informatie
Eerdere publicatie betreffende deze procedure: 2017/S 202-416786
Gunning van het contract
Contractnummer: 1
Titel: VIRMm2/3 Toilet Systems
Datum van sluiting van het contract: 2018-06-21 📅
Aanvullende informatie Beoordelingsorgaan
Naam: Rechtbank Midden Nederland
Postadres: Vrouwe Justitiaplein 1
Poststad: Utrecht
Postcode: 3511 EX
Land: Nederland 🇳🇱
Bron: OJS 2018/S 170-387569 (2018-09-04)