Supply of a remote sensing system for gas analysis at the JRC Petten, including provision of related maintenance services

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.1 — Energy Storage

To fulfil the requirements and needs of the battery testing (Battest) project, JRC — Directorate C in Petten, intends hereby to purchase remote sensing FTIR gas analysis system (hereafter the equipment). The equipment will be used primarily to identify, qualitatively and quantitatively, possible electrolyte leakages and vented gases from industrial batteries of different chemistries.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2017-09-18. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2017-08-03.




Datum Document
2017-08-03 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2017-11-28 Award Aankondiging