Drilling Rig and Personnel — Geothermal wells WarmteStad
WarmteStad is developing a district heating scheme within the city limits of Groningen that planned capable of providing 10.600 housing equivalents (WE) of heat within 7 years. This is the equivalent of 8 000 000 m of gas per year. The heat will be produced from a geothermal doublet in the Slochteren formation at a True Vertical depth of between 3.200 and 3.600 meters. Both producer and injector well will be drilled deviated, ending at a separation of about 1 300 meters at reservoir depth. Based on reservoir parameters a P50 production of 232 m/hr can be expected. For the design of surface facilities and the business case a maximum production has been set at 200 m/hr. The minimum expected production (P90) of the reservoir was estimated at 160 m/hr It is therefore the aim of the project to obtain a production 200 m/hr.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2017-03-22.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2017-02-19.
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