Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Simulation and Training System (CBRN — STS)

Ministry of Defence Netherlands

The contracting authority invites candidates to submit a candidature for:
The delivery and RFT of a CBRN-Simulation and Trainings System (CBRN-STS) and operational availability for 15 years.
The CBRN-STS will be used to support training and exercises for both military and civil personnel in the procedures when dealing with CBRN incidents, threats and disasters. The CBRN-STS is to be the instrumentation of the CBRN National Training Centre (CBRN-NTC) on the Brederokazerne in Vught, the Netherlands. It shall allow the CBRN-NTC training staff to plan, execute and evaluate training and exercises for both military and civil CBRN first responders.
The period for submitting your candidature starts on the 8th of January.
Information on the use of Negometrix can be found on:

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2018-02-07. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2017-12-29.

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Datum Document
2017-12-29 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2019-01-25 Award Aankondiging