Assistance technique OmiDelta

UBR|HIS for Ministry of Foreign Affairs

For French (unabridged) version: see document descriptive.
The objective of the OmiDelta program is to contribute to the development of drinking water supply and basic sanitation services, hygiene promotion and the development of integrated water resources management. Technical assistance is one of the 3 instruments proposed under the OmiDelta program. It aims to support the strengthening of the actors implementing the OmiDelta program as well as the technical and administrative monitoring of the program. In this sense, results are expected on institutional and organizational strengthening of the sector, development of national expertise on water and sanitation, development of human resources in the sector and good governance and management of the program.
Three components will be developed within the framework of technical assistance:
— Structural technical assistance;
— Ad-hoc technical assistance;
— Monitoring of the OmiDelta program.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2017-05-17. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2017-03-23.

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Datum Document
2017-03-23 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2017-08-11 Award Aankondiging