TenneT Selection — High Voltage Secondary Systems ‘Wind op Zee’


The scope of this selecion is the High Voltage Secondary System(s) (HVSS) for the project(s) ‘Wind op Zee’ regarding the high voltage grid in the Netherlands. Part of the scope is the Design, System Integration, Programming, Parameterising, Testing, Delivery in Working Order and Support with Commissioning.
From 2017 onwards TenneT expects to build several off-shore platforms for the connection of off-shore windfarms to TenneT's on-shore high voltage grid. Each off-shore platform shall be equipped with a HVSS. Each (addition to a) landstation where 1 or more platforms are connected to the onshore grid shall also be equipped with a HVSS.
After the selection of candidates, TenneT will start with the call for tender for the HVSS. The call for tender shall result in a framework agreement with one supplier for all needed HVSS in the mentioned period for ‘Wind op Zee’. The framework agreement will be for a period of 4 years and have the options to extend 3 times with 1 year (potentially 7 years). TenneT expects to make the first call of order(s) beginning of Q1 2017.
The TenneT tendering process for the HVSS consists of 2 phases:
Phase 1: Selection phase;
Phase 2: Call for tender (ITT, RFQ, Initial bid, Negotiation, Best and Final Offer, Proof of concept and Factory audit(s), Awarding).

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-04-21. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-03-14.



Datum Document
2016-03-14 Aankondiging van een opdracht