Pipeline inspections

N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie

Gasunie is a European gas infrastructure company.
Gasunie's network is one of the largest high-pressure gas transmission networks in Europe and consists of more than 15 000 kilometres of pipeline in the Netherlands and North Germany, dozens of installations and approximately 1 300 gas delivery stations.
Annual gas throughput is around 125 000 000 000 cubic metres.
Gasunie serves the public interest in the markets in which it operates and strives to create optimum value for its stakeholders.
This restricted tender is about pipeline inspections, carried out from the air, by helicopter.
The tender is divided into two lots. One lot refers to the pipeline inspections of the Gasunie network in the Netherlands and one refers to the pipeline inspections of the German network. The inspections are being performed to prevent possible damages and danger on and in the vicinity of the Gasunie network. For example pipeline damages, caused by unsafe or unauthorized digging or construction activities within a safe distance of our network. These inspections are to be performed with a helicopter, because in case of a major risk, immediate intervention is necessary by landing. The output of the performed regular inspections are reports of potential risks accompanied with images. These reports are to be delivered to Gasunie digitally.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-08-30. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-06-29.

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Datum Document
2016-06-29 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2017-02-08 Award Aankondiging