Pipe fittings DN15-DN600
Description of the scope of the assignment:
The applicable process conditions for the Fittings are:
— medium: natural gas/ natural gas condensate;
— nominal diameter: DN15 up to and including DN600;
— design pressure (P d): 0 bar ≤ P d ≤ 80 bar, and
— design temperature (T d): minimum -20 °C, maximum +50 °C.
Supply and fabrication of pipe fittings from the range of DN15 up to and including DN600:
— Elbows 1.5D, 45 and 90 degrees
— Tees:
— with and without guide bars
— extruded type
— for
o No specific flow path restrictions
o Crotch radius; rx ≥ 1/8 Db;
o Crotch thickness; tc ≥ 1,3·tp at 45° plane.
— for 150 ≥ DN ≤ 400, the following additional requirement shall be satisfied:
o The bore shall be > 0.85 OD connecting pipe
o Crotch radius; rx ≥ 1/8 Db;
o Crotch thickness; tc ≥ 1,3·tp at 45° plane.
— for 450 ≥ DN ≤ 600 the bore shall be > 0.95 ID connecting pipe
— Caps
— Concentric reducers
— Eccentric reducers
— Fittings < DN450 shall be seamless, overall dimensions according ASME B16.9.
— Fittings > DN400 dimensions according Gasunie typical manufacturing drawings.
For all Fittings the chemical composition of the finished product shall be the same as the heat analysis i.e. the chemical composition of the raw material. The relation between the inspection certificate of the finished product and the raw material certificate shall be fully assured. Being compliant to the minimal chemical composition requirements of the code is not sufficient.
Out of scope are the pipe fittings > DN600. Gasunie plans to tender these fittings in a later stage.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-06-01.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-04-25.
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