EU tender line pipe

NV Nederlandse Gasunie

Lot 1 line pipe 4" — 20" HFI / SAWL
1 frame contract is for the delivery of coated line pipe for a fixed price per size pipe with the best tenderer.
1 waiting contract is for the delivery coated line pipe for a fixed price per size pipe with the best second tenderer if the best tenderer does not meet his obligations.
Lot 2 line pipe 22"- 48" line pipe SAWL maximum < 1000m
3 frame contracts is for delivery of line pipe with the best three (3) tenderers for mini tenders if this pipe is required by Gasunie.
1 waiting contract is for delivery with the fourth best tenderer if one of the 3 frame contract holders does not meet its obligations.
Lot 3 line pipe 22" — 48" minimum > 1000m SAWL,SAWH
At this moment there is a need for 7,8 km 48 inch line pipe for delivery in March 2017. The awarding of the 3 frame contracts (Section A) will be based on the best 3 tenderers for the delivery of the a total amount of 7,8 km line pipe for Gasunie project in 2017 according to the awarding procedure.
3 frame contracts is for delivery of line pipe with the best 3 tenderers for mini tenders if this pipe is required by Gasunie for a project.
1 waiting contract is for delivery line pipe with the fourth best tenderer if 1 of the 3 frame contract holders does not meet its obligations.
1 purchase order is for the project delivery of 7,8 kilometres of 46 inch of line pipe coated or uncoated by the best tenderer.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-05-05. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-03-10.

De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:



Datum Document
2016-03-10 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2016-05-23 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2016-05-27 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2017-05-04 Award Aankondiging